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Everything posted by R-T-B

  1. Yep that'll do the same, albeit without the nice scaled versions.
  2. There are a lot of things missing because everyone just assumed they were already there. The code base is so big, it's easy to miss something like that.
  3. I get the frequency of the updates being hard to follow. And yeah Sigma Dimensions was broken until recently. This is intended as a beta tree for new ideas mainly. I'd advise moving to the latest stable now that it's available on all platforms, it sees far less frequent, but still useful updates. Should be easier to read the changelogs there when not everything is an experiment: On that note, the next experiment I've decided to try here is coming soon (soon being within a week or two). You probably should evacuate before then if not a tester... lol. The idea is: One release zip, multiple supported KSP versions. Crazy I know... but it'd be wonderful if it works. Still, I expect serious breakage vs stable when it's initially done, so I'd advise only testers to remain on this branch. It should still be playable / not game breaking bad, but arguably, this will be the less stable than well... stable branch.
  4. Yeah, sounds like it's totally the internall dll stuff of this mod then. Just use the 0.7 beta if newer than 1.8.1 then, I guess. The old dlls probably don't handle the switch to "unified camera" very well, if I had to guess.
  5. We do not support 1.11.0. You'd need one of the "final patch" releases, like 1.10.1, or 1.11.1. It's done to ease our maintainence burden. It's hard/harder to support all the little micropatches, since we have to build each Kopernicus to target a specific version. It (it being the last release of KSRSS ) runs on 1.11.1 with the latest Kopernicus Stable but is not officially supported by the author, and if using rescale, there are some bugs. Without rescale it seems to work well. Your mileage may vary. There is the VAB grass issue reported below, but it's cosmetic only. We discussed the rescale issues in the last page. They seem to be something that can be worked around with a little effort and fiddling, but we haven't quite figured it out yet. I'm begining to suspect it needs an updated KSRSSVE.dll for the visual enhancement portion of the pack. This bug is interesting. It looks like it's applying the grass color but not the material. I'll look into it soon, as that should be something that works. Unfortunately I did not notice this right away, but I'll try to replicate using your exact settings tonight.
  6. I used to love them. Then this happened to me:
  7. It was a "sleep on it, moment of brilliance" kind of thing. I just woke up and had a really simple, elegant epiphany lol. In a nutshell, (warning, technical details follow) Kopernicus applies some camera and terrain fixes on scene load that only need to be applied on first entrance to the space center. Going into buildings etc, it doesn't need to reapply them and it knows this. But if you reload a savegame, it applies them again because it treats it like a whole new universe even though Kerbin is ALREADY LOADED and the fixes already there, and this double application of the fix is what breaks things. The simple way I dealt with this? I wrote some simple code that asks what the prior scene was, and says"if the prior scene was the space center, DON'T FIX STUFF AGAIN, IT ALREADY HAPPENED" It's really simple, but it works.
  8. Kopernicus release-32 R-T-B released this New in this latest version (release-32) 1.) Fixed a bug on saveload that could cause the KSC to sink (purely cosmetic, but still annoying). 2.) Tried to fix the ringshader on MacOS builds. This is largely untested, and may see a followup patch based on user feedback (will only impact Mac Users). Known Bugs: 1.) At interstellar ranges, heat can sometimes behave strangely, sometimes related to map zoom (be careful zooming out). It is best to turn off part heating when traveling far far away. 2.) When zooming out all the way out in map view at interstellar ranges, the navbal furthermore sometimes behaves oddly. We are working on this and all the interstellar bugs actively. @SpacedInvader, this build may interest you.
  9. Thanks, will try to fix this. It seems to be isolated to Mac. Should be an easy fix. @ImperfectMrDogeIV, I am going to PM you a test build with a fix for the rings issue. I don't have a mac so you are my best tester for this, please advise if it fixes. Incoming in a few minutes.
  10. I know that feeling. KSP is a weird animal. I'll try to figure out what triggers this and then maybe I can advise a patch so we can use the "KSRSS" setting again. EDIT: This file shows what's going on: GameData\KSRSS\preset.cfg It contains some updated subdivision levels for KSRSS. This means as soon as you activate KSRSS, it's on for good... unless you delete settings.cfg. Because that patch it does to the settings .cfg file is one way. I'm going to edit some of it's values and see if I can't fix the Moon. Brb. EDIT: A new Sigma Dimensions dropped in the last few days that contains a fix for some scaling bugs that sound like what that setting attempts to work around, did you try this with 2.5x scaling and "HIgh" preset? https://github.com/Sigma88/Sigma-Dimensions/releases Or better yet, try that release and these modified values in the "preset.cfg" file. @Kopernicus:FOR[KSRSS] { Preset { name = KSRSS displayName = KSRSS PLANET { name = Kerbin minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 2 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Moon minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 2 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Mercury minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 2 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Venus minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 2 maxSubdivision = 10 } PLANET { name = Mars minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 2 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Phobos minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 2 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Deimos minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 2 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Vesta minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 2 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Ceres minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 2 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Jupiter minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 2 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Callisto minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 2 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Europa minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 2 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Ganymede minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 2 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Io minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 2 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Saturn minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 2 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Enceladus minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 2 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Mimas minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 2 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Tethys minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 2 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Rhea minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 2 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Iapetus minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 2 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Titan minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 2 maxSubdivision = 10 } PLANET { name = Dione minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 2 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Uranus minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 2 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Titania minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 2 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Neptune minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 2 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Triton minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 2 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Pluto minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 2 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Charon minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 2 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = ChuryumovGerasimenko minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 2 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Halley minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 2 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Ryugu minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 2 maxSubdivision = 8 } } }
  11. I already fixed 1.8.1 support for KSRSS in the latest releases. So you can skip that.
  12. I was able to replicate the dark moon issue. The issue seems to be when you apply a certain graphics setting in the main menu, trying to isolate which it is right now. Right now likely suspects are terrain self-shadows, and KSRSS's built in graphics presets, which may need some kind of update. It's the graphics preset "KSRSS." It's bugged or something with the newer builds. If you just use standard "High" preset it seems to work fine. Correct me if it causes any problems. 4K Moon:
  13. Kopernicus release-31 R-T-B released this New in this latest version (release-31) 1.) Removed a debugline that was causing logspam related lag. Known Bugs: 1.) At interstellar ranges, heat can sometimes behave strangely, sometimes related to map zoom (be careful zooming out). It is best to turn off part heating when traveling far far away. 2.) When zooming out all the way out in map view at interstellar ranges, the navbal furthermore sometimes behaves oddly. We are working on this and all the interstellar bugs actively.
  14. Relevant release fixing logspam stutter: https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases/tag/release-31 I was just using 16K textures + no VE. I'll try VE. And yes, I'm aware it's the Moon not the Mun. Been playing in the Kerbalverse too long lol. EDIT: Not VE Either. Try deleting settings.cfg, as the install instructions say. I have a feeling the huge version jump confuses it. Also make sure you are using the latest scatterer and EVE with VE, as it requires those. This is tested in both 1.8.1 and 1.11.1 btw. And don't ask how Jeb got a simple pod to the surface of the moon. I'm more confused about how Jeb is on the moon at all.
  15. Oh dear. I left a debug line in (I was debugging scatters that dissapeared when you got too close in a previous release). It's the log file spam that's CAUSING the stuttering lol. Thank you for pointing this out, fix incoming. Also, since I am making a release, I should state that the black Moon issue is not replicatable on my end?
  16. Massive? Honestly there should not be any. The scrubber's supposed to improve performance over 1.8.1-1, not hurt it. Can you kindly confirm how much a penalty we are talking about? We may need to look at that code again. And if it's not too much to ask, just as a data point, your PCs cpu model may be relevant to understanding why it's happening. I've heard this before, I can say it should work if you try another browser. It seems to be a chrome thing... firefox or internet explorer even download it fine. It's certainly not a virus, see here: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/2f9135ca2a14b7abed8b9ded1e378679cb2c008410754d6bf29d1e894d3dad4c/detection PS: I'm aware of the reported "black Moon" issue on the latest release and working on it now. Keep the bug reports coming and we'll get this flawless... heck maybe that's even the last one!
  17. Thanks I appreciate it. It's a bit late for a patch but I'll follow through on this tomorrow with any luck. EDIT: Actually I am unable to replicate this. More in the KSRSS thread.
  18. Yeah, after messing this certainly isn't something I can fix tonight. I can only confirm that not having Breaking Ground installed makes it worse. We'll return to this issue later. I really doubt anything like that happened, but I guess anything is possible. Sorry I can't offer more.
  19. Oh no, this is a long known issue. It doesn't corrupt the save or anything (as long as you don't play on a "sunken load"), but it's annoying admitedly. You have to reload a few times or go to the main menu, it's been that way for a while. I'm working on a potential fix now. Thanks for motivating me to do it, if nothing else. It's especially bad if you don't own making history, for some reason, and I don't want to require that.
  20. Yeah I could replicate it, but I don't get it to the same unescapable severity you do. A "back to main menu space screen, reload" fixes it. Still, I'm seeing if I can't fix the bug in general. Then maybe it'll treat your symptoms as well? I'm hoping so.
  21. Well if there is anyone who'd get it right, it's squad. So nope. Let me play with removing expansions and see if I can't make it happen on my end. Because if I can make it happen, maybe I can fix it. EDIT: Ok, so I can replicate this using the procedure posted by @4x4cheesecake once it happens too, I can't escape EXCEPT by going to main menu and returning to load the save from there. Does this help you? Or not? I don't really consider that an acceptable work around but maybe it's progress.
  22. KSP to my knowledge doesn't make any registry entries. Part of why this is so weird... It's almost like the installers you are using are corrupt. Where are you getting your installs from? Steam? GOG? Squad? Somewhere less known? As long as it's legal, no judgement lol. And yes I fully admit I am possibly grasping at straws.
  23. This is the best lead we have, I think. Were you able to return to "normal" after this bug out experience? I know that feeling. Fingers crossed it doesn't come to that.
  24. Darn I just ran upstairs thinking of the DLC angle, to post only to find not only have I been beat to the idea, but it doesn't work. We're still trying to figure it out, @SpacedInvader
  25. That's why I went with corrupt install, but I guess he's reinstalled? Dunno where to go from there. His log also has a lot of references to missing parts. Unsure what to make of it.
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