the first time i tried it i got it right, only i had a mun hop go wrong and i had to revert. I'd forgotten a few pieces on that ship anyway, like a parachute. Despite that, it went pear shaped once i hit minmus. I'd built a rover and dropped it down, only i'd failed to account for the fact that minmus's gravity is SUPER low, and also the site i was trying to land at was on the night side. And I didn't have any lights. Cue Patbert Kerman tumbling wildly over the terrain as I think my wheels got hit with a small kraken. Once i'd warped to daylight it calmed down a lot. Unfortunately, the anomaly I thought I'd seen on Kerbnet and dropped a waypoint to investigate didn't actually exist on subsequent passes. So it was ultimately all for naught. I can't even transmit Science cuz I forgot the blasted antenna. what kind of a name is patbert anyway i might have to save him just for that ridiculous name