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Everything posted by M443556

  1. Use ELP to build a GC kit from resources, and than use another set of resources to finally build it into a ship\building\e.t.c.? That is what I name "too complicated". USI mods have already patched my ELP to use it's long industrial chains based on CRP resources, and KSPI adds more exotic needs for it's toys. And there is still so many "engineering challenges" out there aside from lifting heavy things from Kerbin's surface to orbit again and again... What is the principal difference between a large garage and a small hangar like where Formula-1's are built?
  2. GC is a great mod, but it makes "out of home" construction just too complicated IMO, only second to building with KAS. Have you tried attaching K&K Planetary Central Hub to a radial attachment point on an asteroid? You just need 8 kerbals floating tight to it on EVA... After a few asteroid bases built with KAS I now only use it to attach a radial attachment point and EL disposable pad, and than I can build anything (if I have resources, labour and time) without micro-managing EVAs for every single part. Playing game should be fun, not enraging! And taking every build kit from Kerbin without MKS logistics is worse than enraging - it's boring! With KSPI & WarpPlugin I can beam power from several singularity reactor cores across the galaxy, and my carrier capital ship have enough resources to build a few colonies with their own industrial chains and travels faster than light. Should it be able to slowly rebuild lost mosquito-fleet?
  3. Stakes work well in 1.8.1 if you don't leave the scene and don't move "survey station" too far from them. I've just just built a large base at a survey stake after a dozen of failed attempts. If you leave the scene or move the station before time-warping they're lost and gui notice that loss...
  4. Just wonder if this hangars can be patched to double as EL launchpads? Having "dry docks" on vessel and building on external ones (and than docking in hangars) works great, but feels wrong...
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