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    space nerd
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  1. the englist name is "once upon a time: space". most episodes are on youtube with english dubbing by the official channel of the original maker https://www.youtube.com/@onceuponatimechannel/videos, although those dont have the original intro and poor audio mixing (loud music compared to the voices). they also have not yet uploaded all episodes yet and for some reason they are uploading them in the wrong order. they are available with better audio and the original intro elsewhere. it is an animated series with 26 total episodes, the earlier episodes are mostly standalone random planet visiting episodes, later it becomes a larger story. as a child i often watched some of the other series in the franchise, with stories about human history and biology, but i found the space series much later but it still gets me nostalgic since it has the same music, animation style and characters as the other series. thanks. i have noticed the outages. for a while i thought the forum had entirely ended but im glad it didnt
  2. http:// I have decided to continue making untitled kerbal story. Working on episode 2 now. I have also created a map of kerbin. This is the canon map right now, but it will probably expand later (and maybe expand to other celestial objects as well if the series gets far enough for large scale colonisation to happen). I am also open to name and flag suggestions.
  3. This is the pilot episode for a KSP series i am thinking of making. This series will follow kerbalkind from the very beginning all the way to being an interstellar empire. Along the way there will be stories of adventure and exploration, but also of war and destruction. There will also be humor, snacks and explosions from time to time, it is still KSP after all. The story is inspired by the expanse, VAOS's solar nation series, and Matt Lowne's KSP movies. The story will start out with the 4 starter kerbals, but the amount of characters will expand and change as the series goes on. Episodes will likely have a lot of time between them, since i do not have much time to make them because i am busy with university. Because of that, the series will take years to finish and may not finish at all if KSP loses its popularity now that no version of KSP is in development anymore...
  4. yeah you can hear it if you know what it is supposed to sound like, but i think it probably sounds like random noises if you dont know the theme very well
  5. and i have basically 0 knowledge about music/music theory so it isnt great lol, but it is really funny
  6. This is what happens when you clip through the bottom of the Vall canyon
  7. weird, for some reason it didnt notify me of this thread, despite @minerbat being used and i have set my settings to notify me of mentions...
  8. yes i have an account here but somehow the mention didnt notify me so i just randomly found this when looking up myself in the forum's search function so hi, i might be like a year late but i am here anyway
  9. I am not sure where to ask this. I want to change the textures on a stock part for a video (specifically the making history structural panels). is there an (easy) way to do this? It shouldnt change the part in any other way so that i can load an already existing build with the new texture (in the same way that stock builds can be loaded with restock). I have used custom flags for similar purposes in the past, but that isnt sufficient this time
  10. suggestion: could swimming be improved? right now when you swim with a helmet on the camera goes through the back of the helmet
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