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Everything posted by Chequers

  1. @bayesian_acolyte, once again, not content to see the Sapphire Cluster in the hands of another, swoops in with another entry! Thank you for your screenshot mission report of 'Nervous Energy 4'. A very impressive display of balancing fuel and oxidiser loads to maximise cost and efficiency, reducing the record by 3. You are awarded the Crossed Swords, and reclaim the Sapphire Cluster.
  2. Hi @BIB♠, welcome aboard! With the DLC installed, when assigning your crew in the VAB/SPH, click the small coat hanger icon next to the Kerbal’s name to change their suit.
  3. @mystifeid thanks for those handy bookmarks! I’ll make good use of them.
  4. I didn't realise anyone had used any DLC parts? Or are you asking generally? I think typically, stock challenges don't use DLC parts, so that everyone can partake.
  5. Yes, if they're clipping into the body to avoid re-entry forces, then that's unfortunately not within the rules. I'd be really keen to see if you can find a way to have them mostly sticking out - if you can prove the re-entry with that in place, then I'll happily add 'Space Bullet' to the Honour Roll. --- Congratulations @TheFlyingKerman on your latest entries. The first, 'Arrowfish 6', is a great example of getting the most out of every single part you've used - and bringing everything back in once piece. I won't ask what happened to Arrowfish 5. There was a smattering of applause, and one member of the OBC committee even muttered something congratulatory under their breath when reviewing this entry. High praise indeed. You are awarded Crossed Swords, and reclaim the Sapphire Cluster. Your second entry - 'R-4 LKO Tour Bus' is an impressive feat of low-cost, multi-Kerbal engineering - thank you for your screenshot mission report. This mission is awarded the Zircon Chevron, Silver Claw, (with Observational Ribbon), Amber Leaves, Onyx Eyes, and the Vermilion Heart. For obtaining five additional adornments, you are awarded the First Class Insignia, and will have your name and vessel recorded on the First Class Register. Well done!
  6. @Pds314. an exciting entry! Certainly well thought out - but can you tell me a little more about the 'clipping' of the fins? Part clipping is generally not within the rules - which you may not have been aware of - but I might be missing something, it's a little hard to see from the screenshots.
  7. @BallistX, another great entry. Well done for completing a mission that successfully took three Kerbals into orbit and back again safely; this would make an excellent, low-cost tourist vessel. Thank you for your screenshot mission report - and for demonstrating good use of an aesthetically pleasing SRB lifting stage. 'StarCharter Heavy' is awarded the Vermilion Heart, congratulations. --- @sevenperforce, congratulations passing out of Orbit Boot Camp, working tirelessly through multiple designs to produce 'El Barato', which is indeed the lowest launch cost vessel so far produced for this challenge. Well done on novel 'Destructive Decoupling (tm)' technology, which helped save on traditional decoupling methods. You have been awarded the Kerbin Crescent, adorned with Zircon Chevron and Onyx Eyes for this mission, and claim the Ruby Star. Your name and vessel has been recorded on the Honour Roll. --- @bayesian_acolyte, not to be outdone! Congratulations on developing yet another record-beating craft, with 'Little Rascal 3'. A clever use of external fuel tanks to provide a powered landing. Thank you for your screenshot mission report; your latest entry is adorned with Zircon Chevron, Amber Leaves, and reclaims the Ruby Star.
  8. Congratulations @Pds314 on passing out of Orbit Boot Camp with your rocket. Does it have a name? Thank you for your screenshot mission report, and particularly well done on achieving a launch cost below 5,000, through clever use of SRB and efficient use of monopropellant. You have been awarded the Kerbin Crescent, adorned with Zircon Chevron, and your name and vessel will be added to the Honour Roll.
  9. Congratulations, @BallistX, for managing to get StarCharter Pressure back to the KSC - and for submitting a screenshot. Shall I update your previous 'StartCharter Pressure' entry? It has achieved the Zircon Chevron, Silver Claw (M-Ribbon) Amber Leaves, Onyx Eyes, and Crossed Swords. For five additional adornments, you also receive the 1st Class Insignia, and your name and vessel will be recorded on the 1st Class Register. Well done!
  10. That's some good insight, @Superfluous J - thanks for that! The idea was to offer various different ways to complete this multi-faceted challenge, so that players can play to their strengths. If you know how to build really efficient rockets for low cost, you might want to go for the Zircon Chevron, Amber Leaves, Onyx Eyes, Silver Claw - and then land back at KSC for the Crossed Swords, which would also net you the 1st Class Insignia. But perhaps a cheap launch cost isn't your preferred style. So you might want to instead go for the Silver Claw (with all ribbons, to get the Pearl Escutcheon), Onyx Eyes, Crossed Swords and Vermilion Heart - which would also get you on the 1st Class Register. Or perhaps you'd like to get into orbit for as low a launch cost as you can - in which cost you might want to go for the Ruby Star. But ultimately, just getting into orbit for a total mission cost of less than 5k gets you the Kerbin Crescent... and for newer players wanting to test themselves, try something new, and get their name on the Honour Roll, that might be all they want. And that's totally great - this challenge is just as much for those players, as it is for experienced players trying to get as many adornments as possible.
  11. Well done, @Klapaucius on your latest entry, 'George Burns' - and for being the first to send more than two Kerbals into orbit as part of this challenge. And I appreciate the commitment to figuring out how to get them all back safely! (The OBC committee doesn't like the extra paperwork when Kerbals go missing). Your latest entry awards you the Silver Claw (with Kelvin Ribbon, Meteorologist Ribbon, and Observational Ribbon), and Vermilion Heart.
  12. I can totally relate to this. After the roar of engines, the sweat-dripping, clammy-hand procession towards space... when the engine cuts and you coast through 70k... and then the music starts. It's a really special moment that first time, that I think most KSP players can relate to. Not a fanfare, or proclamation - just a perfect soundtrack to match the mystery of the universe. There's is something immensely soothing about watching your tiny vessel, in the vastness of space, at the whim of some celestial body's gravitational coaxing, while the KSP soundtrack plays. It's marvellous. I recently managed to complete my first interplanetary mission (a flyby of Eve). After arriving, I spent a good 20 minutes simply watching my probe drift with the beautiful backdrop of that purple jewel, and the soundtrack swelling as a perfect accompaniment. It would be great to hear more of that - as you say - for each planet. The first time you hear it would be a little reminder that you've done something you've never done before.
  13. In isolation, for some, any of the additional adornments may be easy to achieve. But this challenge is multi-faceted - and you can scale it to test yourself. If getting one or two in a single mission is too easy, then why not try getting 5 in a single mission, and get your name on the '1st Class Register'? Thank you for submitting your latest entry; and well done on docking two vessels for less than 5,000 each. Remember though, the total mission cost has to be below 5,000. I can record one of those vessels if you'd like to name it? Congratulations on landing safely back at KSC. Awarding you the Zircon Chevron, and Crossed Swords for this flight.
  14. @ParkorePancake, congratulations on passing out of Orbit Boot Camp with your classic-looking rocket, 'Blast to the Stars'. Well done for keeping the launch cost below 5,000, and thank you for your screenshot mission report. You've been awarded the Kerbin Crescent, adorned with Zircon Chevron and Onyx Eyes. And your name and craft have been entered into the Honour Roll. Also, a very warm welcome to the KSP Community! I'm honoured that your first post on these forums was to submit an entry into Orbit Boot Camp! --- @BallistX - well done for taking on the challenge of obtaining all Silver Claw ribbons with 'StarCharter Plus'. You've earned the Silver Claw, with full ribbon complement, earning the Pearl Escutcheon for your effort, as well as Onyx Eyes.
  15. He has a fever... and the only prescription... is moar boosters?
  16. Thanks @KSK - that's really selling it to me. I'll definitely look into it! But now I'm playing through the classic 'X-Wing / Tie-Fighter' games again, I reckon I'll be kept busy for a while!
  17. @Superfluous J - congratulations on your latest entry, 'El Cheapo 2'. And for your textbook video report, clearly demonstrating how you've met each requirement. This entry earns you the Zircon Chevron, Silver Claw (Kelvin Ribbon), Amber Leaves, Onyx Eyes and Vermilion Heart. And by achieving at least 5 additional adornments, you are awarded the 1st Class Insignia - and your name and craft will be recorded on the 1st Class Register. Well done on being the first!
  18. It's certainly a great achievement, @BallistX - but this challenge is specifically about getting into orbit around Kerbin, which is why there are no additional adornments for visiting other celestial bodies - but thank you for sharing your mission; I'm very impressed! Why not try launching a StarCharter vessel with all four of those science experiments, and be the first to grab the Pearl Escutcheon for obtaining all Silver Claw ribbons in a single mission? I've recorded your latest entry with the Science Jr on the Honour Roll - you're the first to receive the Lab Technician ribbon - along with the Zircon Chevron, Amber Leaves and Onyx Eyes. I've recorded it as 'StarCharter Materials' as named in your VAB screenshot - is this correct?
  19. Thank you for naming your rockets, @BallistX; and for submitting another entry with the Goo Cannister, earning the Zircon Chevron, Silver Claw (Observation Ribbon), Amber Leaves and Onyx Eyes. Particularly well done for your Mun flyby as part of your most recent entry. Another entrant did the same on one of their entries, but not for less than 5,000 launch cost, so well done.
  20. When I finally went to Minmus (a couple of weeks ago), I did it in the same way as the Mun. I had to make an inclination change, which I suppose would be the 'new skill' to learn (though by that point, I'd already become proficient at matching inclination through rendezvous and docking). When I arrived at Minmus, it was a pleasant surprise, both at how easy it was to land on (nice flat areas), and the dV cost. Having made eight landings on the Mun, it was actually fairly refreshing - and not just because of the minty cool surface. I didn't know it advance that it was technically an easier place to visit. What it did allow me to do, was experiment with new and more ambitious designs. Knowing the dV requirement wasn't so strict, it meant I could try visiting multiple biomes. Or building a base. Or sending more than one Kerbal. The Mun was a challenge in just learning how to reach, land and return from a celestial body. Minmus was a playground for trying new things once I got there.
  21. Congratulations, @BallistX on passing out of Orbit Boot Camp with your twin crafts. Thank you for providing screenshots of your mission. Particularly well done for achieving a launch cost below 5,000, while packing science experiments aboard. Do your rockets have a name for the Honour Roll? You've been awarded the Kerbin Crescent, adorned with Zircon Chevron, Silver Claw (with Meteorologist Ribbon for the first entry, and Kelvin Ribbon for the second), Amber Leaves and Onyx Eyes. --- Update I have added a '1st Class Register' to the front page. Those that earn the 1st Class Insignia, by achieving at least 5 additional adornments in a single mission, will have their name and vessel listed here. The Honour Roll will also be updated with their name and craft. An additional adornment has been added - the Pearl Escutcheon - for obtaining all Silver Claw science ribbons in a single mission. Thanks everyone for taking part.
  22. Ahh, Homeworld! Absolutely fantastic game; and it's sequels (Cataclysm and Homeworld2) - would you recommend the remastered version? I did see it a while back, and was sorely tempted. Someone actually lent me the CDs for the series, so I never got to actually own them - nor what sounds like a fantastic manual and novella. I do miss all the additional material you'd get when you bought a game back then. And yes, both Tie Fighter, and X-Wing vs Tie Fighter were in my collection back in the day. Fantastic series!
  23. Well done @Klapaucius on a very novel design, with 'Genji' - a truly innovative entry! And well done on keeping the launch cost below 4,990. Earning you the Zircon Chevron adornment for this rocket. --- Congratulations @Superfluous J on passing out of Orbit Boot Camp with your rocket, 'El Cheapo'. Thank you for your video mission report - it was a joy to watch; and we're all taking notes on that beautifully smooth ascent profile and gravity turn. Particular congratulations are in order for being the first entry to successfully send two Kerbals into orbit! You've been awarded the Kerbin Crescent, adorned with Silver Claw (with Meteorologist, Kelvin, and Observational Ribbons), Amber Leaves, Onyx Eyes, and Vermilion Heart. I've also noted how difficult netting 5 additional adornments is. I might add an additional '1st Class' honour roll, for those that can achieve it.
  24. When I'm not flinging Kerbals into various depths of space (to varying levels of success), I like to browse a well-known proprietor of video games - particularly of the 'classic' variety - to relive some of my earlier days. It's a nice stroll down nostalgia lane. Right now, I'm playing through the 1993 classic, X-Wing, again; which is giving me a tremendous amount of joy. I've not played this beauty since I first picked it up in the mid 90s, back when games came in big boxes; with a forests worth of manuals, reference cards, and (in this case) a short novel that ran alongside the game. Do you enjoy a retro game tipple from time to time? If so, what's your 'go-to' - and do you have any recommendations?
  25. Chequers


    A very belated welcome... though you got here before me... so it's like welcomeception... where you're welcoming me, welcoming you.
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