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  1. Hi, i noticed the reccomended mods for this include waterfall, just wondering if anyone has any pre-made configs for tundra engines with waterfall?
  2. **Sigh** im so sorry. I usually download everything at once and move it to my desktop, then drop everything into my gamedata folder together. I just missed your mod. Works great!
  3. Sure, just a question, how do i send you logs and screenshots? sorry im a little new around here haha
  4. Hi, I just installed this into a fresh 1.10.1 KSP install with some other mods but i can't see any of the other launch sites besides the normal Katniss space center ones, and the largest modular launch pad keeps getting clipped into the floor of the launch pad. My current Gamedata folder only has your reccomended mods and the prerequisites for each of them.
  5. I have RSS running on 1.10.1 with RSSVE aswell. Just downloaded it normally including 16k textures and scatterer and kopernicus for 1.10.1
  6. Hi, I recently installed this mod and i love it! the Cape and the two launch sites look amazing and will function very well in my new RSS playthrough. However, i found that i can only use rockets that fit in the slim exhaust hole on the botton of the pad. I can't use Modular Launch Pads, as those keep getting destroyed on launch. Is there a workaround for this? or a way i can get the rocket to spawn outside the slim hole, on the actual pad? or is there another mod that has apropriately sized pads for these?
  7. Yeah, I thought it was an RSS incompatibility. Bummer, was really hoping to play around with comets and the new probe cores and stuff, and maybe even the amazing Katniss Cape Canaveral. I just thought since people are running 1.9.1 that 1.10.1 would also be unofficially supported.
  8. Wow, is this the next update for this mod? Very excited!
  9. Hey, I'm currently using KSP 1.10.1. I see other users have fine installs on 1.9.1, but on 1.10.1 Scatterer is just not complying. It doesnt seem to work at all and ive tried messing with its configs but no luck. I assumed it would work but it doesnt look like it, seems as if 1.9.1 is the hard barrier for RSS with scatterer right now. My question is, does anyone else have RSS, Scatterer, and Kopernicus working on 1.10.1? Thanks in advance
  10. I also have this same issue, have not been able to get any assistance or even get noticed anywhere. I think it may be an issue with RSS compatibility but im not sure. This also happened in my 1.7.3 install and i was forced to downgrade RSS to the 16.2 version to even get it playable.
  11. I'm also having this issue. Did you find a way to resolve it?
  12. Hi, just came across this mod and immediately replaced KS3P with it. The game runs smoother and is much better looking with an amazing array of configs especially with Zorg's configs. Just one question, is there any way to keep a certain config enabled at all times? I find i have to keep selecting a config every time i launch a new vessel or switch to another one.
  13. Dude.. Seriously great stuff. Finally don't have to go with ONLY omega's or Tundra's space center (though those are still very cool) its just refreshing to see this! Especially RSS scaled!!!!!
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