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Kraken that doesn't exist

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Everything posted by Kraken that doesn't exist

  1. okay thanks for the advise, then again the rocket is weird, it has a fairing that goes to like 10 meters from 5 meters in an instant
  2. Koviet Union: The Explorer programme pt. 1 btw at the end i ran out of fuel so i had to terminate it by using the whack-a-kerbal thing
  3. oh btw i forgot to say this but either i forgot to set this setting when making my save or the game won't let me change it but i have the game time with real time 24hr per 1 day 365 days in a year i saw a setting in the settings thing in the main menu but it won't change
  4. secretley you're thinking that @jimmymcgoochie is too op also im back in the race
  5. ksp is back for me so lemme sing the koviet national anthem Союз нерушимый республик свободных Сплотила навеки Великая Русь Да здравствует созданный волей народов Единый, могучий Советский Союз Славься, Отечество наше свободное Дружбы народов надёжный оплот! Партия Ленина - сила народная Нас к торжеству коммунизма ведёт
  6. apart from the mods that come with jnsq and kopernicus i have: KRE Luciole Near Future Props Restock and Restock+ X-20 Moroz and that is the end i guess i had station expansion parts but deleted that
  7. the game is trying to not a rocket it now crashes before i get into the main menu
  8. do we guys agree that @jimmymcgoochie is too good because he almost finished the 3rd group of prerequisites
  9. that's the thing i don't even get to the point i have placed a fuel tank guys i lost the will to do this because of the game crashing someone nuked my space center and it's got too much radiation to fix it and now koscow got nuked
  10. the flipping game now crashes every time i flipping try to build a new thing, any ideas?
  11. introducing the luna programme, sending kerbals directly to the mun is actually dumb to me, i think kerbals could sink into the dust so test with probes
  12. i was trying to do that but then i forgot to stage there was a staging problem and then it also started to not be stable also i didn't steal the N1 from someone and that it was called the kerbal x
  13. noice, in my jnsq space race someone stole my mk-33 research and used it and denied the fact they stole it from me im doing a double reenty this was just after i docked in my jnsq space race
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