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Kraken that doesn't exist

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Everything posted by Kraken that doesn't exist

  1. has the 3st race forum been made yet also i just figured out about the tantares series so im gonna be a kerbal russia or a kerbal roscosmos so which one should i do oh and i got the making history expansion finally so 2 reasons im staying russian in the jnsq space race 3
  2. apparently scotland has space programms according to scott manley hey look new page yet again
  3. they built a lipstick and when it was proven to work they cancelled it but i meant like a kerbal uk like united kerbal kingdom and make it more advanced than the uk
  4. so im british so should i be the united kingdom in the next race or remain russian like i was in this race and be krussia/kroscosmos
  5. that is honestly why i dropped out not just because the koviet union broke into 15 krepublics
  6. i forgot to say that i found it on spacedock immediately after posting that
  7. so i started watching Danny2426 recently and i was like i'll get this and both links don't work for me. both of them don't work, that is the issue
  8. i'll probably be krussia/kroscosmos becuase i played as the koviet union and it kinda collapsed
  9. me: builds ssto also me: runs out of fuel at 40k km yey i got liked by the lead moderator lol
  10. my ekranoplan also works on land but this happens
  11. did you not see that @Nertea said this would be broken until 1.1- oh wait he said no 1.10.x nvm
  12. i know how to fly planes properly so i am able to land it i guess, or i could just strap a kerbal on eva on and deploy a parachute
  13. i tried it and it works since you can land it perfectly, also a parachute would make it fall downwards and not glide onto anything like the ocean also it can still be recovered which is reuse
  14. how about we make the 1st section before kerbol 2nd stock 3rd after kerbol and 4th beyond home
  15. i want to drop out because it is clear i will lose the koviet union is breaking apart which is explained well in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEQGVsts3FI
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