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your mom

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Everything posted by your mom

  1. well we are pretty smart if you think about it i mean we went from throwing rocks to touching stuff like ipods and other 'things'.....and machines. some what robots so ya
  2. ya but theres no proof tho i would like to see other life forms that are smart like us but that may never happen for years, century\'s who knows
  3. not to get off topic or anything but that kind of looks like a good movie.......
  4. it may be true because around that time isn\'t that when the whole UFO thing started? but man those Nazis created some freaky stuff.
  5. i have a ship now and its perfect but i wont show any pics because its top secret! 8)
  6. you got it all wrong we ran out of space on the rock dude.......... silly humans it just so happened that the calender we made ran out of room on the rock at 12-21-12 doesn\'t mean we are all going to die on that date *goes to a builder and whispers* is the underground bunker done?
  7. well without any ground rules some people can just edit the files and boom go as far as they want i mean i can make a booster that has a speed of 10,000
  8. will we be able to see the mun that far? i will win im u.s.k ;P
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