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your mom

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Everything posted by your mom

  1. pioneer space sim is a pretty cool, and if you ever played a old 1970s or 1980s game called elite its just like that just better. http://pioneerspacesim.net/ here are some screen shots
  2. wow very nice but at the ending why wouldn\'t they just use a parachute it would seem less expensive with the boosters and fuel.
  3. well as far as i knoow i think everyone is up to date but this website has 0.8 as the farthest one so if ya want here you go http://www.kerbalspacerepository.com/2011/07/17/ksp-version-0-8-0/
  4. ok so we will never make it to page 100 so back up plan lets make it into the #1 thread by posts huh.....huh.... we can make it
  5. i think the people asked notch way to much for 1.8 and he rushed it and now there\'s all the bugs,performance issues and so much more but again that\'s what i think
  6. what? any ways im winning! and it wont be for long
  7. no you don\'t win, i win.......quick close it now!
  8. got it from you...... and its true i would laugh
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