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Everything posted by eee

  1. Just a rocket that would carrie a sat or kerbals.
  2. https://www.lavnercampsandprograms.com/kerbal-space-camp-philadelphia-pa-main-line-pa-nyc-manhattan-nj-dc-md-st-louis/
  3. Standardized ships: Orbital Mechanics on KerbalX, wich I cant link cus the site is down. KerbalX, the stock ship. Dynawing Comsat LX
  4. A rocket that would send a sat or kerbal into orbit. Thats what I mean by conventional. Also, congrats on 100 posts!
  5. Just a fun idea. Time counted with game counter.
  6. no i havent, it said no, so i didnt. and if i did i would use a vm, and my forum isnt logged into there.
  7. im using a vm, and i have the safe version of memz.
  8. Yes. Yes, 100% yes. And I think the most a slow pc or laptop can handle is about 360, yes.
  9. That sucks. Maybe a site dedicated to polls? Hold on, there's a craft on KerbalX which is a single launch space station with docking ports. https://kerbalx.com/Jett_Quasar/SLS-R-Gateway
  10. I think 10 parts is a bit too little to make it look nice. 15 - 20 parts?
  11. This seems fun. MIght construct a mini space station to learn to dock.
  12. Its fine to use HyperEdit to measure, but and Hanger Extender. Only use stock parts though. Can be just as long or tall as GIllys radius. Tweakscale allowed. (its fine if you make a big stick or plus)
  13. I have a challenge, for when it gets released. Dont go to space in the first 2 days of getting the game. Did he notice that you can favorite it?
  14. Sorry bout talking on this old thread
  15. Sorry bout talking on this old thread, but thats extremely rare. Look at this part from the wiki. The Apocalypse Kraken is a bug of unknown cause and unknown rarity. Little is known about this bug because it has been recorded only once. This report has not been confirmed. It causes the craft to accelerate to ridiculous speeds, exiting the solar system in seconds. After leaving the solar system, the map shows empty space. Reverting the flight will return the craft to Kerbin, but the map will remain empty. No sun or Mun will appear in the sky, and Kerbin experiences an eternal night. This affects all save files, lasting until the game is reinstalled.
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