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Everything posted by eee

  1. Oh, there is a mod that adds wind noises. Just the noises, though. https://spacedock.info/mod/208/Chatterer I didnt make it cus I cant code.
  2. Most people play in sandbox, and it might be a difficulty setting. Hard mode on career? More storms. Stuff like that.
  3. Yeah, I have SVE and EVE, and it would be amazing. But didnt you code a mod I have? Think Kottoboss Games reviewed it.
  4. Like rain and snow. Thunderstorms, also. OH AND WAVES
  5. False. The user below me knows a bit of Japanese.
  6. Alright. I have like 10 or so mods, and Im stuck at the end of loading. Its stuck at "Loading Expansions" I dont actually have any expansions.
  7. I fixed it, I just changed the Gamedata name back to normal.
  8. My KSP just stops loading at Squad/Spaces/PodCockpit/internal/PodCockpit. I have mods on, but I might need to get the newest version of them. Tell me if im wrong.
  9. Its most likely because something is blocking the doors, or that they're at least 1 part away from each other.
  10. If you have any questions about anything KSP related, post here!
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