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    Bucharest, Romania
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    History, Rocketry, Space History, Music, & of course, little green-yellow men on my computer screen.

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  1. I get it, I use that mod that changes Kerbal's names to realistic names (i.e. gives them a last name), but Jeb, Bob, Bill & Val are still "kerbal", so the "Kerbal Brothers" they are. Also iirc it was Blackrack's Volumetric clouds
  2. Well 17 hours later I did a quick trip up to my "Telescope" (which is just kit bashed KCHS and BDB parts) to service it and check in on experiments, as well as to refill the MMH tanks onboard so it can manoeuvre around again. Fairly beautiful views at 500km above Earth's surface, even if I have to use the lowest texture resolution.
  3. That'd be fun to explore, I mean the Moon in our real world has tunnels and caves, why wouldn't the Mun have them as well?
  4. Good point, in that case I'd add it for aesthetics/possible science rather than challenge. I didn't give it too much thought when I listed it.
  5. Did a few more resupply missions to my station in RSS/RO. Brought down Endeavour and took up a Shenzhou to replace a longterm crew I had. I did actually get and try Firefly out. It's very pretty but looks a bit strange on the Dondi Shuttle. Other than that, lovely mod.
  6. I got back into TF2 after a few years of absence. Forgot how fun it was. I've also been playing FSX again, not the 2020 or 2024 one but the old 2006 one with the hot air balloons going mach 2. My pc cannot be trusted with anything released after 2017 so I've stuck with FSX (I also spent loads of money on payware for it so theres a bit of sunken cost).
  7. I discovered today a small VHS collection in my attic which belonged to my parents. I was born right as VHS was going out of style but I still watched things on VHS and still have a VCR. In that collection I found that my parents had my favourite movie of all time on VHS, Wim Wenders' "Paris, Texas". I watched it again and loved it still. I also found the Bird Cage and Amelie, both of which I have planned to watch for ages.
  8. I'd play around with some of BDB's Apollo Extended Application / For All Mankind parts in creative ways. BDB is made in such a way that making stuff up is as possible as it is with stock parts. Stock Parts are still useful to fill gaps in though. Tantares I'm not so sure, I only really ever used it for station parts.
  9. Low mass, dV frugal mission to eeloo, no timewarping, reverting is allowed, but all those years must be done again.
  10. Oh that's absolutely fair in my eyes. New players who are just starting out should 100% learn how to get to orbit and perform basic manoeuvres without automation. It's very much like school, could you just punch numbers in first grade math? Yes, doesn't mean you should though. Once you do very repetitive missions that's when I would highly recommend MJ to take the edge off, like say, building a large station in LKO, and keeping it supplied and crewed.
  11. Most of my controversial opinions are less big picture and more nit-picky. I'll just list them here. KSP 2's engine plumes don't look that good They should've swapped Dres and the Mun A lot of stock rocket parts are quite ugly, even after the redesign It's fine to not want to leave the Kerbin system Kerbin should have more deserts Jool should be blue I do however have my own opinion on the whole Mechjeb debate that happened some time ago here. I think it's absolutely fine to use MJ. While I do prefer manually flying my craft to orbit, (atleast in stock since I'd rather eat a brick than do that in RSS) MJ has saved so much unneeded hassle in building my stations or docking certain craft, as well as rendezvous which has always been a nightmare for me. When I play stock, I like to let MJ do the first part of the ascent, which gets me on target to my station (usually at an inclination), keeps my craft stable, and helps me launch at the right time to get a rendezvous. @Grenartia summed up my feelings very well with their long division analogy. People should know and should learn to get places without MJ, but it is ultimately easier to just use MJ once you do this routinely, keeping an eye on things just to make sure MJ hasn't pulled some funny business while you weren't paying attention. (Which can be the case, like the numerous times while docking that it just, didn't.)
  12. If I was to be objective, no, it's quite ugly visually speaking. However, most of my time spent playing KSP when I was younger was without mods, and that ugliness really was beautiful to me, still is even if it's just nostalgia speaking. There was more of a sense of accomplishment then for me, getting to orbit, seeing the Mun up close without the tracking station, walking on Duna for the first time, all very wonderous. I ought to go back to unmodded some time, I haven't played it without mods in a good 6-7 years.
  13. -Axial tilt for a start. -Larger planets, not RSS scale, but probably 2.5x scale. Not a fan of how small Kerbin and the other planets are. -Asteroid belt for added challenge in getting to Jool -I'd visually remake the Mun, actually quite like how it looked in KSP 2. -Minmus given a weirder orbit, for kicks -Mun moved further out -Laythe given rings, also for kicks -Bigger distances between everything -Remove Dres -More deserts on Kerbin -All inclusive beach resort on Laythe. An Easter Egg If I had control over KSP's development, and the Kerbol system in particular, I'd probably go for those.
  14. Well in a similar vain as your fun fact, I have (on steam, not counting the hours in the seperate RSS install or the olden days of the website download) in my 1131.4 hours, I have never been to: Eve, Moho, Dres, Ike, Any moon of Jool that isn't Laythe, or Eeloo.
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