Here's my submission many many years late!
Simply called the BoxWing SSTO, the design is based loosely on one of Matt Lowne's SSTO to Minmus, and can deliver at least 18 tons to LKO. This mission involved sending a rover to my new Minmus gateway station and collecting the engineer who was sent with it to set it up!
Mods installed are Paralax 2.0, and KOS, however the craft itself is completely stock!
I realized after, most of my screenshots were taken without the UI, which if need be I can redo the mission and resubmit.
Playing with Paralax 2.0 always makes taking off very pretty.
Ascent and orbit:
Transferring to Minmus:
Arrival in Minmus and completing the first stage of the mission deliverables:
Returning home:
94 days later the crew + Podrick have successfully returned to the KSC safe and sound, ready for some non-packaged rations!