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    Ballistics Expert
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    Earth, Solar System, Orion Arm, Milky Way, Local Group, Virgo Super-Cluster, Universe #63415876

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  1. Not really, there's probably a tutorial somewhere, or you could dig around in another mod's files to find out
  2. That's alright, i fixed it myself, i guess that also explains the lack of special messages for the science experiments i put on the probes i sent
  3. Good mod, great textures, my only gripe with it is that the spaceAltitudeThresholds are all 50k (except for Cytaria which has Jool's) , which is impossibly low for Cyz0122 and Darset, and annoyingly low for Impossible, I've fixed it by poking around in the mod configs, though someone without any knowledge of making Kopernicus planet packs couldn't change it and would be stuck having no way to get low space science of Cyz0122 and Darset.
  4. While Stratzen did build a Jool SL SSTO, it was full of part clipping and it's cost in NERVs was higher than the entire limit for a 2-player mission, i doubt this mission would have been possible otherwise
  5. This is getting into some old and moderately cheesy stuff, i still doubt reaction wheel props will get you enough velocity to get to Jool orbit
  6. 150000 funds is still a very limiting factor for a Jool ASL return mission, as all chemical rocket engines will not work at all at Jool SL so propellers will be needed, and they will not be able to provide nearly enough dV to get you near orbital speed, it might not be possible on only 150k
  7. What altitude for the Jool return craft? I know someone was able to return from Jool ASL but it cost way over 90000 funds and was the very definition of part clipping, i doubt Jool Sea Level is possible on 90k funds
  8. I think retrieving the whole probe that went to the surface might be a bit complicated, so only the science data should be recovered
  9. I'm okay with the fact it's smaller because it's going in my signature and i have to downscale it to 107px anyway. More ideas for the round 4 Flagship: You have to land your sample return craft within 5km of the rover and the destination cannot be within the Kerbin system.
  10. Also you can see a bit of my orbital insertion and escape stage behind the asteroid in the image you chose
  11. I didn't check my forum in a while, so i didn't see all of this happening, but i had took a better shot for my flagship Take this one instead The coma should be a rough estimate as to where to cut it, the one you've already made is fine if you're too lazy but i would rather use this one. I don't think sending a huge rover for flagship would be within the spirit of the challenge, so i would rate flagship by the amount of science experiments taken on the surface, with all of them minus one or two making a flagship and the return vessel required, orbiter recommended for planets like Eve.
  12. I would rather use a stable version to start modding, which means Prestja's release
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