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Everything posted by EscapeVelocity

  1. In case anyone else has the problem, I was able to "fix" the issue I had by setting OpenGL context level to 4.2 with following command line option for KSP: -force-glcore42 Anything above 4.2 will not work. Also, it seems to be related to a Unity bug for Linux https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/issues/linux-3d-with-extras-projects-will-throw-constant-opengl-error-invalid-texture-unit-errors Now I can finally enjoy my IVAs For Making History pods there this mod available which does that:
  2. First of all, awesome work! I have been waiting for a proper IVA experience for a long time. It adds a completely another dimension to the game. However, for some reason all the glowing text on the panel and displays are unreadable. Some of the text (for example on SAS buttons) is readable until I turn on the panel lights. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/r8FaIsx Also whenever I enter into an IVA, I get this message spammed in my Player.log OpenGL Error: Invalid texture unit! (Filename: ./Runtime/GfxDevice/opengles/DeviceStateGLES.cpp Line: 72) Player.log: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1pQAFRvLxBcK7ggnp9dmf6NY8cNQjRRDH I tested it with minimal install. I installed DE_IVAExtension and its dependencies through CKAN. KSP 1.8.1 with both DLSs, running on Linux. Thanks in advance for any help or information which might help me to fix the problem!
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