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  1. So I'm getting to grips with this, and kos in general. This script has gotten me more excited for ksp than I've been for a game in many many years. Is the discord still going? The link is expired and I'm guessing most of my questions have answers in there. I've been getting some odd initial screens popping up (they look like ports on a screen numbered 10, 20, 30 and so on). Some documentation on how scripts work would be great aswell, variables etc. Also getting some gui bugs like 'printscreen' and after a script getting kicked out of BakerOS.
  2. Cheers! Though I've just noticed this also happens with Near Future Spacecraft command pods. So this might be a dependency mod that's causing it or something else. Gonna have to do a rummage and test them all.
  3. So I can confirm this is happening to me in 1.9. Can anyone suggest a roll back version of Station Parts that works for 1.9? This bug leads to having to restart the game as you cant 'leave' the VAB.
  4. Ah, your quite right. I'm guilty of doing what I usually try really hard not to do - getting over excited and skimming the notes. To clarify then - I can deploy but not transport to SOI outside kerbin? I'm assuming Launch and record from other bodies is for Extra Planetary Launchpads/Ground Construction etc? Sorry - its just that between the old thread and this one I'm a bit confused. Again, really appreciate this mod and you taking the time to revive it. Massive grin on my face when I deployed my first vessel: 'ORBIT ALL THE THINGS!'
  5. Hey, really loving this mod. Much more flexibility than older mods that did similar functions to my taste. Query - can I transport/deploy to other bodies outside Kerbin SOI? Everytime I enter The Mun's SOI on a transport mission it removes the appropriate button for transporting goods. Just reads "abort" and "abort and return to launchpad". Cheers for picking this up and keeping it alive, its making my 3rd career play through much less tedious. Seriously. Awesome work. Many praises.
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