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  1. Was curious how fast others can complete the docking tutorial. I found it a great practice for when I ever get anything large into orbit lol. Currently takes me 27 minutes. I made some mistakes today though so I have to try some more. Streamed the entire tutorial if interested. Here is the hightlight of my final approach. Check out this video "Highlight: Kerbal Docking Tutorial Speedrun" http://www.twitch.tv/kinslayer125/v/575860847?sr=a&t=1s
  2. Ok I'm back lol, managed to "speedrun" the docking tutorial. Dropped my time from 1 hour to a more respectable 27 minutes. Check out this video "Highlight: Kerbal Docking Tutorial Speedrun" http://www.twitch.tv/kinslayer125/v/575860847?sr=a&t=1s
  3. https://clips.twitch.tv/GlamorousDeterminedPelicanCoolStoryBro Able to try the tutorial a few days after the first and, aside from some silly things I forgot, I nailed it first try.
  4. Enjoying the greatness that is airplane design in this game.

    Spent at least 4 hours piloting yesterday, though admittedly about 30 minutes of that had to be load times with how often I crashed lol

  5. Airplanes! I don't think I can get anywhere near as much money per mission without a good airplane. And then I land it everytime at the Lauch site, really wish we had a bigger runway lol. Speaking of reusable, is there a way to get money back from booster if you decouple them? Can I place a chute on them and then it deploy automatically or something??
  6. Managed to get a lot of missions completed. Managed to finally have an airplane design that works. Did spend 2+ hours trying to land planes so that i don't waste money, lol. Gotta love career mode. After having successfully landed once, the next missions that took me up with the plane I spent another hour trying to land the craft in cockpit view. Been enjoying everything about this game. Lots of explosions for my Twitch Stream lol Oh my goodness, I could never do that in career mode. I wanted to so bad. But i would be starting a new career mode every single day because of the lost money. I have settled for career mode being its own all encompassing challenge. Maybe after a lot more practice I can decide to go no reverts or quicksaves. However for Twitch streams, a good quicksaves gets everyone a lot of explosions to watch lol. Like when I was trying to land my planes, took me about 30 attempts over 40 minutes. And OH MAN, when i landed that thing I felt amazing lol.
  7. I spent about 40 minutes trying to build and airplane and get it off the ground... I failed miserably. Was fun though, it was like my third streaming, and I finally realized that I had to ask it to retain all of my videos, and now I can go look at it and show off how not smart i was later on.
  8. Just to chime in again, I went ahead and started myself a Twitch account. I think if you wanted to play the game and let people watch, it may not matter which type of video you focus on. Just unique content really. But with Twitch, what I like about what I've seen so far, if you allow it to store your videos ( you have to choose this setting otherwise after you stream its just gone ), then you have so many tools available to take snippets of all of that and make a highlight video, or edit out all the boring and keep it to the point, or even do all of that and then add audio on top of it. Personally I'm not comfortable yet with a camera feed or audio just yet, my kids are home from school now with the whole pandemic going on and they get unruly from time to time. In time I will add these things and I think it'll pick up after that. Let me know how your channel goes.. have you started it yet?
  9. Alright so an update on Jeb... I did manage to get the docking tutorial completed finally, man was it a fist pumping moment of pure excitement. However, things didn't go so well for Jeb. I couldn't get my craft into orbit with enough fuel to maneuver and pick him up. And after that I decided it was time for a new career mode, so i started that lol. I was a bit motivated to start over due to the fact that I wanted to start Twitch streaming the game and my plan was to make every moment I played of it available to watch. Granted I didn't realize retaining the videos for later viewing was a thing I had to setup, so the first 3-4 hours of it are not available. However, this career I decided to go with Airplanes pretty early on ( I am terrible at doing any of the below xx,xxxm tasks and I figured this would help. Well it didn't go very well haha. If you want to watch some one fail every so miserably with airplane design, I've got you. Just check out Kinslayer125's videos haha. Once again thanks for the tutorial, if there is anything I learned from finally doing a successful dock, wait until you close the gap. For some reason I was trying to use RCS at like 15km out to make the approach closer. It's like golf, you setup the first maneuver to get it close and the second for the putt. Oh but you get RCS as a third. Also, it sucks not having more than just Prograde, Retrograde and Stabilize as SAS options. Guess I gotta work on getting more science.
  10. First confession is only loosely KSP related I suppose... I posted this story in a tutorial earlier today to explain how grateful I was that it was made ( There are a few confessions, I'll summarize it up front but I hope you can enjoy the story) ***YOU CAN SKIP THESE IF YOU PREFER TO DISCOVER THEM THROUGH STORY TELLING ( I mean i put some good effort into the story telling part)*** Second confession, after seeing the game all I wanted to do was see how quickly I could get to orbit.. this leads to a few of the rest Thirdly, I only watched the tutorials up to just before the science one... Fourthly, I didn't learn about maneuvering until a YouTube video due to the aforementioned lack of finishing tutorials, this would have made all the difference Fifthly, I paid way more attention to getting into orbit than getting back from orbit and left Jeb stranded in a very awkward polar orbit as my first real accomplishment and Sixth, I have yet to recover Jeb after two days of trying to finish the Docking tutorial I lied there are Seven, this one should be first honestly but I was too lazy to renumber: I owned KSP for about 3 years before ever playing it ;( ***Here is my story with and about all of these confessions*** As I am in the habit of learning things as they become necessary, never seems to be the easiest approach, this is a great tutorial to find! My story, lol: I got the game shortly after PAX East (a lie really, had it for years and somehow never played it), and decided it was a game for me to get amazing at. Installed it and did the in-game tutorials, decided on Career mode because I prefer challenging things over gimme's. Ended the tutorials just before the science tutorial, yes i ended up regretting this and still have to revisit so that I can actually get a move on in the R&D Department. So then I decided that my first big goal was Orbit. At the same time decided not to use the revert flight options every single time something went wrong, determined this to be a big headache when learning so decided to use it after all and plan for after I've learned more that I can add that difficulty. After a few hours I had finally learned enough about getting into orbit and tweaking my TWR that I was able to get a Kerbal into orbit. One small issue... I was then out of fuel. And I had left that flight and returned later to realize there was no reverting from this situation now, so he was stuck out there... forever unless I learned some things. So in learning these things I discovered that I hadn't know much at all about getting into orbit properly and had ended up there by chance lol. That being said, I had a rather high altitude polar orbit, as opposed to a nice equatorial one, and I had no idea how to control that aspect of the flight. Also learned that I had never learned about maneuvering nodes because I stopped doing the tutorials because I was too anxious to get to orbit... Sooooo, enter the need to learn docking... Well the last thing I want to do is be a stranded astronaut with no means of getting saved. So my mission became to save Jebediah from this life of lonely orbit. Starting watching some videos and reading the KSPedia while I was stuck away from my computer in hopes of being armed with the requisite knowledge to get Valetina to quickly retrieve are marooned fella. Well, in this journey for knowledge it discovered the fact that the EVA suits have their very own RCS. Eureka! A means of getting movement lol. Well I wanted to experiment, mainly because I saw someone do it on video, and see if i cant get ole Jeb back using his one means. Well, I still don't know if he would've died reentering the atmosphere, because he ran out of Monopropellant... and now, a few hundred km behind our forever orbiting craft, is poor Jebidiah. Far more uncomfortably stranded than he previous was. So back to the Valentina Rescue Squad idea. Thought there were a few ways i could do this: Prep a craft with a cabin that supports more than one crew (can't, not unlocked yet); Get into orbit with the craft, and/or Jeb, and nudge them both radial in and retrograde and see where they fall (still an option, however it would be a highly skilled set of maneuvers and likely deathly for Jeb - I think the craft would be fine); Or have an extra crew compartment for Jeb to stow away in after we rendezvous with him and get him to his ship. (this is what I am going to try) Well I learned two things, maneuvering and meeting up with an orbiting craft is a pain; and the in game tutorial and my brain were not syncing up properly for me to learn enough to pull this off. I spent at least 2 hours a day for the past few days learning and trying to complete the docking tutorial and failing miserably. So now I feel that what I have learned form this tutorial may be that little bit extra I needed to pull it off. What did I learn here that I hadn't in the in game tutorial? Well for starters, that both of the intercept nodes are important lol. I hadn't noticed that one orange was my intercept and the other orange was the targets intercept. Happy to know that now, the in game does try to convey this message however I didn't understand how it was conveying said message. Second, how to come about the approaching of the vessel, now granted this may be because I couldn't even get to this part in game yet but learning the NavBall tricks to line up all the markers properly will be extremely beneficial.Well, hopefully before the weekend is over I can report that Jebidiah has made it home safely. Also hope that maybe you were entertained by my story, the friends I tell this story to usually find it pretty entertaining... how much of that is my tone and mannerisms I am unsure.Oh and in the case that I was unclear of the overall intent of this entry... Thanks a ton for the tutorial Note: Not sure why my text turned itself green, or if it really did and this note will be awkward... *shrug*
  11. I am currently weighing these options myself as well. I've never done Twitch streaming , but I find the allure of it dragging me nearer and nearer to starting. My idea at the moment is something that makes it most entertaining. So my vote is for Career mode, however, Career mode with no mods and no reverting. Everything you do has to matter and every fail has to hurt your heart. I think that will make people gravitate towards yours over someone else's (ah, ah, see what I did there). Also personality is likely way more important, hoping I will have what it takes lol.
  12. So reading through these, maybe I should come up with one lol. Usually all i do is burn retrograde until my path shows me hitting the ground, then I position the heat shield down and wait. Under 8km I deploy 2 radial chutes and then like 4k i deploy nose chute. Bear in mind, I've been playing for about a week, haven't reached the Mun yet, and I've spent two of these days learning how to dock so that I can save Jeb from his endless orbit a few km behind his craft. But thinking about it out loud here, I would likely just make sure I close my orbit to something I've done before (I mean I've let it just fall when I had a nearly 1,000,000 m AP and it made it, granted I don't bring anything back yet). Likely something under 100k, I will likely pick something that is higher than others just because I don't care if its a smooth ride and if I'm paying for Ablative coating I'm gonna use it. Also I only play career mode, keeps it fun and meaningful.
  13. As I am in the habit of learning things as they become necessary, never seems to be the easiest approach, this is a great tutorial to find! My story, lol: I got the game shortly after PAX East (a lie really, had it for years and somehow never played it), and decided it was a game for me to get amazing at. Installed it and did the in-game tutorials, decided on Career mode because I prefer challenging things over gimme's. Ended the tutorials just before the science tutorial, yes i ended up regretting this and still have to revisit so that I can actually get a move on in the R&D Department. So then I decided that my first big goal was Orbit. At the same time decided not to use the revert flight options every single time something went wrong, determined this to be a big headache when learning so decided to use it after all and plan for after I've learned more that I can add that difficulty. After a few hours I had finally learned enough about getting into orbit and tweaking my TWR that I was able to get a Kerbal into orbit. One small issue... I was then out of fuel. And I had left that flight and returned later to realize there was no reverting from this situation now, so he was stuck out there... forever unless I learned some things. So in learning these things I discovered that I hadn't know much at all about getting into orbit properly and had ended up there by chance lol. That being said, I had a rather high altitude polar orbit, as opposed to a nice equatorial one, and I had no idea how to control that aspect of the flight. Also learned that I had never learned about maneuvering nodes because I stopped doing the tutorials because I was too anxious to get to orbit... Sooooo, enter the need to learn docking... Well the last thing I want to do is be a stranded astronaut with no means of getting saved. So my mission became to save Jebediah from this life of lonely orbit. Starting watching some videos and reading the KSPedia while I was stuck away from my computer in hopes of being armed with the requisite knowledge to get Valetina to quickly retrieve are marooned fella. Well, in this journey for knowledge it discovered the fact that the EVA suits have their very own RCS. Eureka! A means of getting movement lol. Well I wanted to experiment, mainly because I saw someone do it on video, and see if i cant get ole Jeb back using his one means. Well, I still don't know if he would've died reentering the atmosphere, because he ran out of Monopropellant... and now, a few hundred km behind our forever orbiting craft, is poor Jebidiah. Far more uncomfortably stranded than he previous was. So back to the Valentina Rescue Squad idea. Thought there were a few ways i could do this: prep a craft with a cabin that supports more than one crew (can't, not unlocked yet); get into orbit with the craft, and/or Jeb, and nudge them both radial in and retrograde and see where they fall (still an option, however it would be a highly skilled set of maneuvers and likely deathly for Jeb - I think the craft would be fine); or have an extra crew compartment for Jeb to stow away in after we rendezvous with him and get him to his ship. (this is what I am going to try) Well I learned two things, maneuvering and meeting up with an orbiting craft is a pain; and the in game tutorial and my brain were not syncing up properly for me to learn enough to pull this off. I spent at least 2 hours a day for the past few days learning and trying to complete the docking tutorial and failing miserably. So now I feel that what I have learned form this tutorial may be that little bit extra I needed to pull it off. What did I learn here that I hadn't in the in game tutorial? Well for starters, that both of the intercept nodes are important lol. I hadn't noticed that one orange was my intercept and the other orange was the targets intercept. Happy to know that now, the in game does try to convey this message however I didn't understand how it was conveying said message. Second, how to come about the approaching of the vessel, now granted this may be because I couldn't even get to this part in game yet but learning the NavBall tricks to line up all the markers properly will be extremely beneficial. Well, hopefully before the weekend is over I can report that Jebidiah has made it home safely. Also hope that maybe you were entertained by my story, the friends I tell this story to usually find it pretty entertaining... how much of that is my tone and mannerisms I am unsure. Oh and in the case that I was unclear of the overall intent of this entry... Thanks a ton for the tutorial
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