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  1. Anyways, reinstalling the whole zip fixed those parts somehow. Doesn't seem like there's a problem anymore.
  2. I came across a weird issue after installing where the following engines can't be placed and flicker when picked up in the builder, and game shows a null reference exception. A-134NG A-7007 JP-10 K-8 X-20 Can anyone think off the top of their head what might cause this? I can provide more info if needed.
  3. Ah, I see, thanks. It didn't occur to me to jump to the github from the catalog because I always check the forum first.
  4. Hey, so I ran this mod with tarsier space technologies, and I noticed that opening the telescope gui makes planet flares fade out, but closing the gui brings them back. Is this intentional or some incompatibility? Any way I could fix this so the flares remain visible with the tst telescope active?
  5. One of the forks in the forklift part doesn't have a collider. This constitutes a slight problem.
  6. I had a question about the ATLAS harvester: it has an option to deploy/retract, but the harvester doesn't seem to move any, is this normal?
  7. More info for the parts would be helpful, I couldn't get the hover engines to stay on for more than a second without turning on infinite electricity. Not sure what had gone wrong unless they require something else to run. When I right clicked on one it would say the electricity flow was like .02 something and then sputter out. Playing on ksp 1.7.3
  8. Every time I searched for errors in b9partswitch it brought me here, wasn't sure where to look
  9. Ran into an issue when I tried to start up ksp. Tried copy-pasting several of the error lines into google to see if my problem's been solved already, couldn't find anything. Here is my gamedata folder and log. Help would be appreciated, running ksp version 1.7.3 GameData Folder https://drive.google.com/open?id=1886l9v_oPB_o0DbhqExKCMJosrXzpA7Z Couldn't put the whole log into a spoiler so uploaded to drive.
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