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king of nowhere

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Everything posted by king of nowhere

  1. update here on my issue: i removed the whirligig world mod and the issue disappeared. so it's mod compatibility after all
  2. I also found and installed the latest community resource pack, still I get the same error message
  3. you don't get it in sandbox mode by default; because all the improvements are only unlocked by researching the tech, not by starting with it. here i explain how to unlock it. you can also to start in career or science mode, cheat yourself all the science you need, and research the tech manually
  4. radiation decontamination unit. it's a functionality added to the hitchhicker container once you get a certain tech, but I don't remember which one
  5. module manager, I have the last version. harmony, I just got the latest version. community resource pack, the one I have is still from 2020. but following the link, I get to a point where it says there are no releases. I can't find a release of crp to download
  6. now that you mention, I vaguely recall having the same issue in the past, since harmony is not mentioned anywhere that I can see on the front post or on the first few links that I tried. I checked, my old kerbalism install had harmony inside its folder. I copied that file as it is, and got the same error; I suppose it's an outdated version. I searched on the forum; I wasn't really expecting anything, as "harmony" is a common word that could lead to a lot of spurious results, but I found a link to version 2.2.1, which should be the latest one. downloaded, put the folder into game data, the game loaded, but when I opened it I got another error message and the log file https://tezfiles.com/file/1ac56cea7824c/KSP.log which has become surprisingly big, and kept getting bigger by the minute until i force-closed the game at this point I don't know anything else to try with my limited knowledge, I must ask help again
  7. About two years ago I developed a sturdy rover (Dancing Porcupine) that could race across Mun and jump inside craters. About one and a half years ago, the latest version changed stuff about wheels, made them more frail. My old rover could no longer jump inside craters and come out in one piece. About one year ago, I developed a sturdier and more powerful rover (Leaping Mantis) for an Elcano challenge over extremely difficult terrain on relatively high gravity. Today I decided to try Leaping Mantis on Mun, and I wasn't expecting too much, but it's jumping inside craters! I did drive it for 100 km and it never broke once, despite extreme recklessness on my part.
  8. https://tezfiles.com/file/e36d3a6e3395f/KSP.log here it is I tried to remove whirligig worlds, as the only other major mod that may have compatibility issues, but I still got the same message
  9. I tried to run the last version of kerbalism with whirligig world, I got this error message and the game won't load. with an older kerbalism the game would load correctly, but the kerbalism screen would not work. anyone knows how to fix?
  10. I thought back about being criticized for my kerbalism grand tours because my ships are unrealistically big, and I wondered, could I make a kerbalism Jool 5 with realistic constraints and the mass to orbit of a single Saturn V launch? I had to cut comfort a bit too much at times, but here it is. A Jool 5 made to look as much as possible as a realistic mission with current technology. Well, if you ignore some whacky hijinks I had to pull because I'm only one guy doing this for hobby and can't plan as well as a real space agency.
  11. Part 7: Homecoming is not easy Economic Downturn returns to Kerbin, despite some unplanned difficulties And it brought back almost 500 kg of samples 7.1) Preparing for departure 7.2) The way back won't come but once
  12. Part 6: The minor moons What remains of Seated Man goes to visit Bop and Pol. 6.1) Economic Downturn to Bop 6.2) Bop to Pol 6.3) Pol to Economic Downturn
  13. Part 5: The most beautiful snowball in the Kerbol system Sole - what's left of it - goes to land on Vall, then returns to Economic Downturn just before Bill takes an excessive dose of radiations. 5.1) A simple Hohmann transfer 5.2) A simple landing 5.3) A simple return. Really, I can't come up with jokes for every subchapter title. Wait, I just did.
  14. It's normal. Kerbalism runs a lot of processes, and some of them can get messed by time warp. Mod conflicts can also arise. I really have no idea. But I do have experience, and during my latest grand tour with this mod on, I recorded no less than 47 different bugs. Some of them part of the core game or the rss mod, but many of them intrinsic to kerbalism. My attitude to finding a bug then is to just try and run the mission as best as I can despite it. If you keep playing with this game, you'll likely find a lot more bugs too, and you'll also be less "why is that" and more "if it doesn't kill the mission, it's barely worth mentioning"
  15. Sorry if I have to ask, but I have no other ideas: when you checked EC, did you run a calculation, or did you follow the probe all the night and saw that it still had a battery in the end? Because other factors, like signal transmission and temperature, may affect battery life. If it's not lack of electricity, then I have no idea. I can maybe suspect some artifact of time warping, they happen occasionally. Wait, I got another idea: data transmission. Maybe the probe has a full hard disk, and cannot relay the data to Kerbin fast enough, and so it slowed down science collection? in that case it's limited by how fast it can transmit the data.
  16. what do you mean, goes up? regular duration is 90 days. Maybe during the night your probe run out of electricity and stopped the experiment?
  17. Part 4: Do we feel lonely in the universe? Laythe is the perfect science target. First, because of its unique enviroment and potential for life. Second, because its oxygen atmosphere protects from radiations and allows use of jet engines. This unique combination gives a kerbonaut the reason to fly halfway around the planet to gather different samples, and the means to do it at a reasonable cost. 4.1) Minimizing fuel spent and radiations acquired 4.2) We will not cease from Laythe exploration. And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started. And carry back 200 kg of samples 4.3) If a sole flies out of water and nobody is watching, does it fall back?
  18. if your mission is to achieve a "fly-by", then you only need to exit the sphere of influence of kerbin.
  19. Part 3: Tylo is always Tylo Seated Man lands on Tylo and returns. Economic Downturn faces a most insidious challenge in the solar occultation by Jool. 3.1) Tylo landing 3.2) The long night
  20. Part 2: Traveling to Jool - in third class Economic Downturn is launched and takes a direct route to Jool, using Mun for a small gravity assist. It arrives at Jool 3 years later, gets gravity captured at Tylo using a careful trajectory to avoid the radiations, then raises periapsis outside of the death zone. Here swapping out a broken solar panel on Right Answer for the spare I had 2.1) Launcher? The mission conditions said nothing about a launcher 2.2) The direct way
  21. Part 1: Space industry in an Economic Downturn Designing the components of this mission: habitation module Economic Downturn, taxi Right Answer, lander Seated Man, and plane Sole. Economic Downturn, in all its stingy glory 140 tons look like a lot of mass. Even with the additional restriction, you can comfortably fit a Tylo lander in 10 tons, and a Laythe lander in 10 more tons, recyclable for other planets, and you can make a hab for 10 more tons. But then you have to have a taxi to carry those ships around Jool, and it needs fuel, and then you need to refuel those landers. And then you need something against the radiations. And you need a reentry pod for Kerbin reentry. And then you can't just get captured by a gravity assist, you need to raise your Jool periapsis outside of the radiation belt. And then you need to take all that stuff and fuel, and send it to Jool on a direct route. I had to lower my safety standards a bit in this process, carrying less emergency fuel and less spare parts, to fit into the mass limit. 1.1) Economic Downturn habitation module 1.2) Seated Man Tylo/Bop/Pol lander 1.3) Sole (the fish, not the body part) plane 1.4) Right Answer taxi The whole mission ended up costing 320k, including the launcher. A far cry from my previous projects. I can't tell if you're complimenting me or you're being sarcastic. Either way, space agencies do not exactly pop up like mushrooms around, nor are they hiring chemists all the time.
  22. Part 0: Inspiration, and setting the conditions When I first declared my intention of running a grand tour with the kerbalism mod, some people told me it was impossible. I proceeded to build the DREAM BIG and do it, but some were not impressed; they rebuffed that the point of the mod is realism, and a 3000 ton ship is not realistic. While I stand by my reply that if we had the political will to sink a few thousand billion dollars into building that kind of ship we could do it, I have to concede that with a realistic industrial base sending thousands of tons to orbit is not feasible. Now that I'm done with huge grand tours with super laggy ships and neverending eva trips to repair the hardware, I thought back about that exchange and decided to make something with it: a truly realistic Jool 5. The main criteria I set is a limit on mass to LKO of 140 tons. Why exactly 140 tons, you may wonder? Because it's the payload of the Saturn V. So it's a mass that is realistic to launch. Of course, in KSP you can stretch your mass a lot further than you can in real life. But then, I'm not trying a moon landing, but a full Jool 5. Some may not be impressed with a mass of 140 tons to orbit. After all, somebody managed to run a Jool 5 with less than 6 tons on the launchpad. But then, they didn't have to use kerbalism. In addition to that main criteria, I have a bunch of additional constrains (spoilered for brevity) And this is why I am fairly confident in claiming this is probably the most realistic Jool 5 mission ever made. If we wanted to do it with current technology and capabilities, we'd do it somewhat like this one. I only made one concession: I used an active radiation shield, a technology that does not yet exhist. The reason is mostly bug-related: without the active shield, the kerbals will pick up radiation damage. I can heal it with the radiation decontamination unit, but it consumes a lot of electricity, and the solar panels at Jool are not producing enough. So I have to set a cycle where the RDU is turned on and off repeatedly. And in those conditions, the game does not time warp well. On second thought, I could have used more solar panels to keep the RDU always active even at Jool. But by the time I thought of it, I was already almost done.
  23. since mars has an atmosphere, it depends on how well your ship can aerobrake. though stock parachutes are not effective on mars, so you'll need some 2 km/s unless you have some modded parachutes. i assume you're talking the real mars, and not duna. also, your description is not particularly helpful, because you don't specify if you're in a circular orbit or in an elliptic one, nor what you need to do or with what. if you want more specific answers, you need to be more specific.
  24. a simple hohmann trasnfer is the best option, it's extremely cheap if done correctly. a hohmann transfer is relatively easy, but complex enough that I won't take the time to explain it just in case you don't know. if you don't know a hohmann transfer, ask further
  25. Most definitely. I see it's supposed to also have nitrogen aplenty, while the game finds none of that too. leaves me imterryl and lowel as viable refueling places, both with very low concentrations. well, I'll see what I can manage
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