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  1. Hello folks! New released animation!!! Hope you like it! Cheers!
  2. Hello folks! New released animation!!! Hope you like it! Cheers!
  3. Sup Dr. Kerbal? Mind if I provide constructive criticism? You gotta give the audience the means to keep them hooked by the story. If you have a linear storytelling, things _could_ get e little bit boring for the viewer. The script could be a lot more engaging by changing the order of the paragraphs. You could start in the second paragraph, setting the environment and explaining a few key things in order to place the viewer in the world. Then, jump to the Puff mission, the vessel goes BOOM around Jool but nobody knows really why. That's the hook I was talking about. The viewer most probably will think about aliens attacking the kerbals. Proceed with the story as you wrote it until Ho Bodekam appears and reveals himself as a Kerbal kind. This is the plot twist. Previous to this point, you should never give any hint about the real nature of the Puff kerbal kind. Now is when you explain all the lore of the first paragraph and put the viewer in context of the whole story. Finally, end the film the way it is in the script and THE END. As for the characters, you could develop nice character arcs for Ho, Julius and Werner. Give Julius a reason for being so offensive towards Kerbin kerbals, not just being crazy about it. Maybe Ho could be in the Julius side but, when the attack turns out to be an extermination, he switches sides and decide to fight with Kerbin kerbals. You could make Werner too sure of himself and proud and, when the attack arrives, all that ego is shredded to pieces. Hope you get the best of this comment. It's just a proposition in order to make the story a bit more engaging.
  4. Hey Glue! If I could ask for something, it would be a music composer. I'm struggling really hard to deli ver a film with decent music, also I'm broke as love so I'm trying to earn some money in order to hire one. I really appreciate your enthusiasm and, if I need anything related to modelling and animating, I'll consider giving you a call. If you like, send me a video or portfolio of your wokr so I can see what should I ask you for, given the case I need something. Right now, all you can do is enjoy the videos and share them with your friends. I'm, relatively speaking, starting with this project and what I need the most is all the shares I can get. Thank you very much.
  5. Next one is on production right now. Stay tuned. https://imgur.com/JFD1Xo8It's actually a cylinder mesh with one of the sides scaled down. Sorry if I said _cone_ in the YouTube comment. All you need to know is in this image. You have to UV unwrap the cylinder in order to make it look like the gas is comming from the nozzle. That node arrange will give you a black & white image that you'll use as factor for a mix node, mixing between an emission and a transparent shader. You can use a diffuse shader instead of emission, but I like how the plumes illuminate the fuselage
  6. I'm very glad to hear from you and indeed you have achieved a nice progression with Blender. I'm also happy to be as any help for new Blender newcomers and I'm eager to keep hearing from you. Keep up the good work.
  7. So.... Here it is! It is with great pleasure that I'm able to share this animation with the KSP community today. After several setbacks, this pair of kerbals made it through millions of miles of space, animation, modelling, rendering and editing to finally get to Duna where, in order to kill some time until the rescue mission arrives, decided to have some fun playing Golf. Duna's atmosphere is very thin... but not as thin as this kerbals thought it was. Hopefully, their green expertise in Golf can help them survive a dangerous planet in wich many more missions are set to happen as part of the KERBAL SPACE PROGRAM. AnimatedK is a fan-art project and it is, in no way, funded or endorsed by SQUAD nor Provate Division. Huge shout out for the KSP developers, who continue encouraging the creation of this kind of fan-art around the globe. Thank you very much.
  8. Working on SFX and music. Animation is already rendered and composited. It's short though. 1:40 minutes
  9. Hey! Just uploaded a scene set up. Maybe next week, we'll have a full short animation! Fingers crossed.
  10. Hey Dr. Kerbal. I'm trying to release a short stand alone animation this upcoming weekend. Deadline is pretty tough though. I mentioned I would upload an update last weekend but I was working on the new animation. I'll see if I can make a quick update on how the project is doing and where is it going. I'm uploading short previzualizations & stills on my reddit & twitter accounts. Thanks on your interest. Juan.
  11. Thanks! For the face, use shape keys driven by bones. DO NOT use vertex weight deform. That's the most useful tip I can give you now.
  12. Oh my god, so that's where all the views come from lol. I thought that, given the irregular nature of my upload schedule, the YT algorithm wouldn't be interested in my channel. Thanks for the info and the kind words. I need to upload a video to the channel explaining several stuff, because lots of things have changed since I last uploaded an update. The Duna idea was too long for me to produce in a reasonable ammount of time, so I opted for a shorter story set on the Mun. It turns out that this is also taking longer than I expected but I'm already commited to finish it. My point is that, the flag, story & characters that I showcased in the update videos are, for the time being, on hold and replaced with 3 new kerbals and another totally different mission & story. I'm also working in 10-20 second animations to fill the channel in the meantime, as long as timelapse & scene breakedown videos like the one I last uploaded. Thanks for the sub and, for the time being, spreading the word is the best way of helping me. Hope to see you around, stay tuned for the update on weekend. Juan
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