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Everything posted by Dixiecapt

  1. Greetings. I have installed twice KSRSS and Parallax Continued along with Parallax Continued-KSRSS-SDI. When I get within the Moons Sphere of Influence I get Crippling lag. I have a high end machine. Is there a known fix for this? Thanks for any assistance you can provide.
  2. It seems that there might still be an issue. When I try to install through CKAN it fails and I am told: CKAN.InvalidModuleFileKraken: FlightPlan 0.10.7: C:\Users\RWSIV\AppData\Local\CKAN\downloads\downloading\B94A2DD3-FlightPlan-0.10.7.zip has length 18000000, should be 48072556 at CKAN.NetModuleCache.Store(CkanModule module, String path, IProgress`1 progress, String description, Boolean move, CancellationToken cancelToken) at CKAN.NetAsyncModulesDownloader.ModuleDownloadComplete(Uri url, String filename, Exception error, String etag) I went to SpaceDock to manually install the mod and after downloading it Winzip told me the archive was corrupt. When I tried with WinRar I was instructed that: Flight_Plan-0.10.7.zip: The archive is corrupt Specifically: fp_ui.bundle I redownloaded it to make sure it wasn't an issue during download. Thanks again for all you do!
  3. Greetings! I love this mod! I wanted to let you know that the link above doesn't seem to work for me and when I checked CKAN it wouldn't work there either and kept telling me it was unable to make a connection. Thanks again for this mod and all you do. I just wanted to let you know in case you weren't aware that it doesn't seem to be functioning. (Edit): I think the issue might be with Spacedock. It seems to be down at the moment: spacedock.info
  4. I am also getting a black sky during the day. You can see the sun and everything. It isnt scatter. I dont have that. All I Have is qtr Rss, its textures, and dependents installed. My version is 1.8.1 is that the problem?
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