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  1. I followed this install guide but with the latest versions of GU. When I zoom out I only see around 10 systems as apposed to the dozens that this guide shows. I can't even find a black hole to marvel at. Any ideas? Did something change? Additional issues I have seen that may not be bugs/problems installing but I would like to see addressed are bad texture qualities, bad texture mapping (especially arouras being incorrectly mapped on the dark side of planets so you can see awkward grid lines), and static gas giants outside of the stock system. What gives!? I know this is a vague and annoying post but I don't want to go too into detail describing exactly what I have in GameData because that would be paragraphs upon paragraphs. Please ask questions if I can provide more helpful info!
  2. I can't dm the creator for some reason so I'll post it here. There is a bug in at least the Mk 2 Inline Cockpit, and I assume every other cockpit, where it won't detect power if the craft has more than 10,000 units of charge. As soon as you run the batteries bellow 10,000 the cockpit has no problem turning on. Hope someone sees this.
  3. Did this ever come out? Possibly the best implementation in the Mk1-3 cockpit I've seen!
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