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  1. The bug ---> https://imgur.com/a/dj61ebv My Gamedata file ---> https://imgur.com/a/9RYsmID Can't deploy them, and they generate zero power. Even downgrading Kopernicus and getting rid of KSPIE didn't do nothing. Any ways to fix it? The logs: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lBhkx0dQT4yWaaIpbK_TiJj_fS98sGdI/view?usp=sharing
  2. For some strange reason, True Volumetric Clouds runs worse than Astronomer's Visual Pack (I used both with Parallax). Dropping the quality of the temporal anti-aliasing and the textures mitigated the problem a little bit, but it still has an impact on my gameplay. I don't have any extra cloud mods running in the background. Only True Volumetric Clouds and EVE + Scatterer. https://imgur.com/a/SPKuKSW
  3. Problem with Beyond Home For some reason, the Parallax ground is displaced downwards a bit, making anything I put on the surface of a planet seem like they're floating. And as the cherry on top, my kerbals die and pop out of existence whenever I walk around using EVA. (GAME-BREAKING BUG) Any solutions?
  4. I have two questions about this mod. Are the breaking ground surface features taken from the stock planets? Is GU (galaxies unbound) compatible with this planet pack?
  5. repost because ignored ;( Is it just me or is Otho and Gauss a bit low-quality now? I remember when back in the old days, they looked great, especially with scatterer and EVE. https://imgur.com/a/FHKGG6H https://imgur.com/a/C0JQgUZ
  6. Is it just me or is Otho and Gauss a bit low-quality now? I remember when back in the old days, they looked great, especially with scatterer and EVE. https://imgur.com/a/FHKGG6H https://imgur.com/a/C0JQgUZ
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