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Minmus Taster

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Everything posted by Minmus Taster

  1. Anyone notice weird plumes that looked almost like they were coming out of the rockets sides? it's probably just me but I can't help but wonder if it was an actual issue.
  2. I didn't have time to edit into a "real" meme. Totally didn't just rip that off the internet hehe...
  3. Hello and welcome to the forums Given how long ago this was posted and the lack of activity this mod will probably never be released.
  4. In that case the games name should be kerbal terraform program.
  5. Holy cow just show us the images XD Southern ring planetary nebula
  6. that age old question that haunted generations, is cereal a soup?
  7. I'm confused, the image is stunning but is it infrared or visible light? NASA did say in press releases that the image would be "full color".
  8. I heard the white house will release the images TODAY at 5PM EDT, sadly I have no link to a broadcast
  9. Whew, that could have ended quite badly, did any sources say what the issue was?
  10. Well it seems Artemis is off to a wonderful start! I hope rocket lab doesn't get blamed for this somehow, the launch was amazing and they probably don't have anything to do with this disaster.
  11. This is the face I make when I see my old forum posts Bottom Text
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