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Minmus Taster

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Everything posted by Minmus Taster

  1. I meant the overall colors of the skybox just felt off to me, the galaxy looks weirdly blue and the amount of nebula in the sky is just a little to much in my opinion, though now that I think about it this could be a young galaxy and nave a lot of hot blue stars and as a result, many nebula. Still looks off to me though
  2. I like it but it looks a little too fake and over the top with the weird colors and nebula
  3. Did anyone notice this capsule design in the new footage, it looks kind of like a part from a Nertea mod, I couldn't find the exact part but they do look similar;
  4. I feel like I'm about to run out of likes, this is truly a great day
  5. The more I think about it the more I like this idea, I understand the views that this is not that type of game and that KSP2 should stick to the rocketry side of things, but at the end of the day space is for everyone and I can't think of how something like this would hurt the game, I don't know how this would be implemented but I like the overall concept a lot.
  6. I feel you, I often deal with feeling left out because of who I am, though to me playing kerbal never bothered me since I always saw kerbals as "the little green frogs that go poof" rather then male or female, but with multiplayer being a thing now kerbals are basically your avatar and I totally get why that could cause some discomfort for people.
  7. Wait, if colonies are made with gathering resources when why is resource gathering after colonies AND interstellar travel?
  8. According to an interview conducted by Matt Lowne the character of "Tim C Kerman" is now a default character as a memorial to a lead developer who sadly passed away early in development.
  9. Yes I just copy-pasted the post I made but I think it would work better as it's own discussion. I know it was said that there would be no changes to the Kerbol System but plans do change and if it does exist it's probably an asteroid moon of some kind so not a major change, and they've already added rings to Dres, I guess the rings already existed in KSP 1 but it was a distant asteroid field you had to find as opposed to a full-on ring system you could crash into. Now you can't see the moon with Dres in any footage but in the video there is some interesting footage which could allude to this new moon being in the game, I'm gonna codename it "Tal" for simplicities sake. First of all there is an interesting bit of footage from the surface of some kind of brownish smaller object, this could be explained away as just a new interstellar object like Skutt (more on it later by the way) but the video doesn't at any point show something outside of the Kerbolar System from what I remember, so this is probably in the base system. This could also be Gilly or Bop but judging by the speed that lander took off from it's surface it's probably smaller than even Gilly, also worth mentioning is that the features of this object are unlike anything we've seen in the first game or footage of Bop or Gilly, there's clearly a massive crater just next to the lander and it takes up quite a bit of the object. Ok so it's probably not Bop or Gilly unless one of them got hit by the other, so what could it be? the answer is a totally new celestial object and probably in the Kerbolar System as well. But where will "Tal" fit into the game, what about the most bland and boring place in the original game? Dres of course, it's already being spruced up with a ring system and new terrain, how about put a cherry on top by adding a small moon? but why am I going with Dres for this theory? because of this image right here; The outer orbit is more than a little suspect for a celestial object, it could be mistaken for the orbit of a spacecraft but why would a craft be parked in an orbit like that? I do recognize that the debris craft were seeing on the screen does seem to have an inclination that's the same as the mystery objects orbit but it could be the craft had been trying to reach Tal and then was destroyed. I'm gonna go a step farther with this too since I'm feeling bold today, Tal is actually Skutt; The crater does look like the one seen in the new video, and it has the right color, shape, and terrain, it's also quite small like Tal which is why it rotates so fast, this object could very well be Skutt regardless of if it's in the Kerbolar System. Anyways that's my theory, a moon for a now ringed Dres would really add to the main parent and adding a fast rotating rubble pile would make it stand out on it's own as opposed to Bop or Gilly.
  10. Guessing your thoughts have to do with current world events, I understand the reasoning but KSP is not a politically oriented game and the timing is probably a coincidence and the date isn't that big a deal in terms of releasing a game about space frogs, if anything KSP 2 would be a sort of hopeful message to the world in trying times. Also I don't think we can discuss politics here so yeah
  11. Ok so this is a crazy theory of mine but I just can't get this out of my head; I should probably have done this in a forum post in retrospect so Il just copy paste I guess.
  12. This fella is a big deal locally as she was one of the most searched for vessels in lake superior! Barge 129 was an unusual ship, it belonged to an unconventional class of vessels called "whalebacks" they were unusually rounded and sat low in the water, the design was native to the great lakes but some ships were sent out to work on the ocean, like the City of Everett which was the first US steamship to pass through the Suez Canal. 129 was a barge which meant she had to be towed by another freighter, in this case the Maunaloa, almost 120 years ago to the day she was hauling Iron ore across lake superior when the ships ran into a storm which snapped the tow line. The Maunaloa tried to turn back around but the heavy sea's forced the ships together, the Maunaloa's port anchor ripped into 129's starboard side, sinking was inevitable so the crew abandoned the ship and were picked up by the Maunaloa. Whalebacks are now an extinct class of ship with only one surviving today, the SS Meteor tanker in Duluth, the whalebacks that sank in the great lakes have mostly been found and 129 until recently was one of the last one's to remain unfound, it was considered one of the most searched for ships on the great lakes, and just days ago the discovery was announced: The ship is lying just under 200 meters under water around 35 miles off Vermillion Point, the vessel is badly broken up and is in in several large pieces and thousands of smaller ones on the lake bottom, it is now thought that the Iron ore the ship was carrying ripped it apart when it slammed into the lake bed. Wreck Pics:
  13. Arecibo will not be rebuilt, not a shocker but the news is still a massive punch in the gut
  14. Actually they would be incredibly slow due to the stars mass being so low, a larger star doesn't equate too more massive and giants would be a prime example of this having expanded almost to the point of falling apart and blowing half of they're mass into space. Anyways I don't think there should be a "final boss" star system, it would be jarring to have a system that was somehow totally different then the other systems and would feel forced, also the game doesn't have linear progression so what if someone chooses to fly to the final boss first?
  15. Dude if this mad lad is right either by his crazy theory or sheer luck then I think we owe them a moment of thought when we finally get the date confirmed: Also can anyone tell what the text on the folder says here, I know I'm probably going a little too deep in on this but it clearly does say something.
  16. I know what I must now do... Come to think of it we could be quite close to release, it's *Highly* Improbable but "early 2022" could be new years day (or as late as May).
  17. But they did MAKE IT, and only on flight number 2! that seems like a pretty good start.
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