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Minmus Taster

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Everything posted by Minmus Taster

  1. This should probably be in the lounge but HAPPY NEW YEAR!
  2. I wish KSP2 will be a decent game and actually releases on the 24th.
  3. Get em' boys Personally I gotta go with Neptune as of voting, beyond being scientifically interesting it's absolutely stunning and I really love that shade of blue. Saturn comes in a close second look-wise but I'm not into the colors as much. From the moment I became interested in space I always thought the ice giants were the coolest, one mission for the planets and we found so much there sitting just out of reach in terms of missions. I always loved picking up books from the early 2000's in my school library and flipping through them while my class was there, not because I didn't already know the books contents, I just loved seeing the pictures. When I saw those grainy old photo's taken in the 80's every planet had some dramatic new color scheme leaving me bursting with curiosity. And as you got to the end of the book after all that beauty you see Uranus and Neptune, two faintly lit blue orbs, I could almost feel how cold and remote they were. They seemed different from the rest of the planets, they were less "dramatic" so to speak, it was like they were sleeping giants. They continue to fill me with wonder to this day and Neptune especially will always have a special place in my heart.
  4. I can but it will probably end with petty name calling
  5. Which planet calls to you the most in your heart? Do you find it pretty or fascinating or perhaps something else? Vote to support your favorite planet here for literally no reason!
  6. I'm either Johnwin or Mitbles depending on how destructive I'm feeling.
  7. Pressed F9 and ended up on a mission from yesterday #hitmewitharocket
  8. Ouch, he's not having luck when it comes to rockets as of late
  9. I'm never looking at Jool the same way again
  10. Recently started a trip to Dres to verify it was in the even IN ksp1 (IT ACTUALLY WAS!). The improvements to this planet are insane! Actually looks like a whole new planet! Can't wait to visit it
  11. Mission is officially over, rest in peace InSight, say hi to Oppy for us
  12. IT SAYS ALPHA LETS GOOOOOOO What a wonderful little present from Intercept, happy holiday's y'all
  13. "On Dec. 18, 2022, InSight did not respond to communications from Earth. As expected, the lander’s power has been declining for months, and it’s assumed InSight may have reached its end of operations. NASA will declare the mission over when InSight misses two consecutive communication sessions with the spacecraft orbiting Mars, part of the Mars Relay Network – but only if the cause of the missed communication is the lander itself. After that, NASA’s Deep Space Network will listen for a time, just in case." She's gone
  14. Found this meme; Once you hear it you'll never play KSP the same again...
  15. It's been a sort of hopeless-hope that they'll add volcanism to Laythe in the new game. I just realized that this impact means there is a large crater on most of the atmospheric planets in the Kerbolar system, interesting.
  16. Rumors keep the community alive, if she left the hint at "something happening this December" then she's probably not saying more. On the topic of sneak peeks though; Easily the most stunning look we've had at the game via twitter, this game is gonna pretty that's for sure! It's really cool to see all the locations in the first game getting a facelift like this. Also anyone notice the big impact crater on Laythe? There were craters in KSP1 and even a sort of basin but this is extreme, perhaps this could explain the moons habitability?
  17. A new trailer would make sense since they basically restarted they're entire marketing program but don't get your hopes up.
  18. I don't get it, how do you do anything? how does this work? On you need to use the keys, this is cool!
  19. If Scott's doing the tutorials in KSP2 then I'm never going to question anything about the game again, it's automatically a masterpiece in my book.
  20. You waited and waited and yet it won't change the fact you have been abandoned @Bej Kerman?
  21. I feel the strange need to build mine up like I'm somehow better; I stare out into the endless red abyss, soaking in what exactly it is I'm about to do. I've travelled an unimaginable distance at an equally insane speed in a flying tin can to an alien world. This world is so amazingly strange and desolate and yet it's stunning. I think of the people who took leaps like these in times past. Childhood idol's really as they are for many, but none have taken a leap quite so large. Quite literally following in the footsteps of some of the greatest people who ever lived, and then going even father. I can feel they're spirts with me in this moment, along with those of the millions and billions of people all with me in this one moment in time where humanity finally leaves it's cradle. I think of my place in all this, out of all the people on Earth, billions and billions of incredible people, it was ME. I feel an incredible sense of honor to be the representative of humanity in this moment. I look to a mounted camera on the elevator that lowered me down to the red surface of the planet and wave to the world I was once apart of, a wave no one will see for 15 whole minutes. With nothing left to do I finally begin to move forward, all of my life, all of everything, converging on this singular moment. I feel the dust beneath my feet give way as I walk onto the surface. With the awe of the situation slightly subsiding I realize that I don't have anything to say, what would this historic moment be without some memorable quote for the ages? And worse still; my joints feel like they just came out of one of those annoying family road trips! I do my best to stretch my back and legs in the bulky suit and then it happened; the quote materializes in my head, it's a little on the nose but it's powerful and most importantly it will do the job. I clear my throat and utter the words to be remembered for hundreds of years:
  22. Have I ever tried doing this before? I have no idea. Well hello world, I am what is commonly called a "nerd" and this is my natural habitat.

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