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Minmus Taster

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Everything posted by Minmus Taster

  1. This ones from the depths of the KSP Discord: 22 days until my life vanishes for a few weeks.
  2. That skybox is literally out of this world, it combines the simple beauty of the early skybox with the style of the one in the original game so well.
  3. Weirdly nostalgic to see that older footage again, nice to see full gameplay footage with the UI and all even if it was recorded at least 3 years ago. Also loving that music
  4. If Artemis wasn't obsolete before it's plain irrelevant now
  5. I don't buy it, I've researched the incident many times and the "balls of fire" are probably unrelated. I mean how exactly would this have worked? So the rocket releases fumes somehow, either by a crash which no one in the search saw somehow or from the gases falling down right where the group was, laws of physics be damned. I guess it's possible there had been a crash and people had been forced to keep quiet but then why not say something after the USSR fell? Though that would explain why the case was shut down so soon and the crash site would have been cleaned to keep what happened a secret. But this doesn't explain how the hikers ended up where they were and how they died, all of them either died from freezing or from trauma they got trying to find shelter. If the fumes had only been affecting the area of the tent then why didn't they all die there or nearby? The idea isn't impossible but it's just raises too many weird questions to be a probable cause. I personally think there was either a small avalanche or they thought there would be one and they were forced to cut open the tent. They then had to slowly walk down the mountain to avoid disturbing the snow and find shelter in the woods. Two were found near a fire and they were the worst dressed so they probably stayed there and slowly froze while a portion of the group went back to the tent and died along the way. Another part of the group tried finding a better shelter but were killed in a small avalanche. A very sad and lonely explanation but it makes the most sense. Often with these cases the simplest explanation is the most likely.
  6. Not necessarily, Kerbals could use a combination of photosynthesis and snacks to survive with the former being as sort of backup if there isn't any food. Loving the tutorials, I wonder just how many subjects they'll cover by 1.0.
  7. PC has declined to comment in this worryingly awesome time... Can anyone tell what craft that is? Seems to have larger circular panels and a HECS2 as a probe core maybe? Also seems to have some sort of ladder system and even hatches. something is at the front as well, could be a docking port but my heart is telling me it's an grabber.
  8. My main goal for Eve went from; "Lets to a full mission with Jeb" to "Lets take a Kerbal I don't care about and just put a mission on the surface, worry about return later." Somehow this still ended up going wrong. The parachute was setup above the science parts and to sperate it I had no choice but to place the decoupling SRB's in the skirt of the system. This destroyed most of the science parts. Then the landing gear (as it often does on a heckhole like Eve) glitched due to the chaos and caused a capsize. A goo canister survived but other then that it's a total mess, at least Danny is on the ground with a mostly functional base and ready to start his stay. I hope he enjoys the movies we packed because he's gonna be watching them a lot over the next few years.
  9. No points where the sections could have been connected like large docking ports, just one solid structure from what I see.
  10. How are you even supposed to launch something like this? Should be easy on a Mun colony but a single launch for something so large might not even be possible given the build limitations they have in place now. And it's been said that everything they're showing right now is going to be buildable in early access so this isn't from unreleased content. Also doesn't look like it's been assembled in orbit so how does such a large vehicle get built?
  11. Am I the only one who noticed the light on Ike is reflecting at a weird angle? Or that it almost looks like that craft is rotating? Also let me get this straight; I'm gonna be able to make near-future nuclear spacecraft like that from DAY 1?!?!
  12. I think someone said this already but I would also like for Pluto to become a planet again, I don't care about the consequences.
  13. Conducting my first Eve landing, it's been a pain the butt to design the ascent vehicle with all the lag and kraken attacks that involve such a large craft. I'm going to do it though, I don't care if I have drive the Kerbals to extinction to do it >:(
  14. I think we're gonna have science mode a few months after release followed by colonies around the end of year. I was imagining the 6 month schedule of KSP1 updates but less consistent through I sincerely hope that's not the case
  15. That place is the chaos you get when a rocket hits the astronaut complex Fitting image of Walt Kerman, head of PR at the KSC.
  16. Forget KSP2, this server is gonna turn my PC (and my house) into ash with how many posts are made every second.
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