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Everything posted by steve9728

  1. Officially, Tianwen-3 is still the Mars sample return mission and will be launch not later than 2030, said by the Wu Weiren, the Chief Designer of China's Lunar Exploration Project. The asteroid mission will luanch at 2025, said by Zhang Rongqiao, the Chief Designer of China's Mars Exploration Project. The official statement on the progress of the Tianwen-2 is that it is "in the initial prototype stage of development and its electrical products are now undergoing comprehensive testing". For CNSA, the difference between the initial prototype and the prototype is that one is put it in the museum in the future and the other is really going to do something. And Wu Weiren also mentioned the Tianwen-4 is for traversal survey of Jupiter, or other planets in the solar system. Although they are all taking something back home but asteroids don't have atmosphere my friend
  2. It's not really that bad actually. The British cooking is only very disappointing when it comes to everything that needs to be heated up except for snacks and tea. The only thing I want to say is could they please to learn how to use spices, it's not illegal and won't get you many years in prison. Of course, everyone has a different opinion on taste. For example, when I brought my ex a box of British biscuits when I returned home for the Christmas holidays one time, she asked me is that sugar free in the UK?
  3. Be patient. Patience is the most important and necessary virtue in this era. After all these years of waiting, it doesn't matter if it happens weeks later or months
  4. Don’t you start. Don’t let me beg you One time I was on a video call with my elders at home and they said: Have you learnt any delicious British food in England? Me: ?
  5. Meanwhile some Chinese you don't know where they lying: at least they have [insert any 'luxury things'] When the Chinese say that your living conditions are really particularly tough, then you are really very tough. Similarly, when the British say your food is too awful...
  6. The full version was: "PERFECTLY SUCCESS" I think one of the best photos of this time would be this: (via Weibo) And meanwhile, CMS's offical weibo has update the images of arrival of the CZ-5B rocket at Qinglan Port last day: A prediction: there will be something 'interesting' happened from one of the shipyards in Shanghai on the day of the Shenzhou-14 launch or before and afterwards.
  7. Saw something pretty... werid: Goalkeeper CIWS like air humidifier SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!!
  8. Different cities have different buses. From the 50s to the 80s in other cities like Beijing or somewhere north, it was probably mainly copied from Skoda, modified Dodge cars, and it was not unheard of to convert to gas power when fuel was scarce. After that there were probably trolleybuses, conventional diesel, natrual gas and now electric buses which have largely been completely replaced. And where I born and grow up, Shenzhen, didn't have a long history: this place is basically only 40 years old: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1d3411L74K?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV12L4y1g7vi?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1j34y197rv?p=25 (this one was the most I have ever take before the metros opened) Damn thanks for those videos, homesick again
  9. ah the 'M1A59 SEP' But in fact, during the live-fire phase of PLA's military exercises, blanks are used to simulate sound and light, and laser devices mounted on the muzzles of guns or cannons are used for mutual military confrontation. The 'blues' who simulate an imaginary enemy use in-service equipment but with correspondingly 'slightly' different data on the system. Which means what you see on the field probably is Type 59 but the data probably will be compilation of the most powerful theoretical data of all the most powerful tanks on this planet, and they are really acurate. However, after 2016, the professional hypothetical simulator, a blue army brigade, switched to the better-performing Type 96 tank. Now what 'reds' facing on the exercises field is not M1A59 SEP anymore but M1A96 SEP And fun fact: the 'blues' in around 2010 to 2013, they have played the role of the Korean People's Army during times of tension on the Korean peninsula. Yep, the north one.
  10. An imaginary picture of the future of the Wenchang launch site from the Chinese National Geography magazine: From left to right and from bottom to top are: CZ-7 & 8 series rockets launch site (current launch site 2) CZ-5 rocket launch site (current lanch site 1) Fueling plant Heavy manned lunar rocket launch site Integrated rocket launch site Commercial rocket launch site Reuseble rocket landing site At middle of the rocket transfer road (or track) is the satellite and spacecraft testing plant. The four white towers at the other end are the rocket assembly test buildings. On the far right of the picture is the rocket storage plant. In the distance of the picture are the Qinglan Port, the Qinglan Bridge and the city of Wenchang. "It has also changed the temperament of Longlou Town, Wenchang City and the whole of Hainan because of spaceflight. Although tourism has long been a well-deserved pillar industry in Hainan. But look closely and you will see that the composition of tourists has quietly changed. Once, as a winter resort, Hainan's most popular visitors were the 'migratory elderly'. Nowadays, when you arrive at Haikou and Sanya airports by plane, you can see the slogan 'Come to Hainan, watch the launch' everywhere. There are more and more space enthusiasts, photographers and groups of primary and secondary school students among the visitors. Although Hainan's peak tourist season is still in winter, there are many 'mini-high points' that have nothing to do with the season, but only with rocket launches", says the magazine, "On the day of the launch of the Tianwen-1 Mars probe on 23 July 2020, the town of Longlou, which has only one main road, was flooded with nearly 200,000 people." It reminded me of an earlier media interview with local residents about what space has brought to their lives. The villagers replied: We are now making money from whatever we do here
  11. As a fan of symmetry and fairings, I like rockets all over the world. Except Atlas V… Who the *** design this!
  12. Looks like a crew of piolts who weren't afraid to die and broke into the no-fly zone. Ever since those terrorists disguised as flight attendants at Cathay Pacific deliberately leaked emergency oxygen tanks for passengers in 2019, there's no way Cathay is an option for me to travel.
  13. Meanwhile, Yuanwang 21 and 22 which are carrying CZ-5B rocket for the luanch of Wentian Module, has arrived off the coast of Qinglan Port.
  14. Like gunpowder, which can make someone you don't like silent forever but also can make someone you love really happy. The technology of the space programmes can always be associated with military applications. You can't convince the other side that my xxx plan is for the 'peaceful development of all mankind', because no one will trust their security to the promises of others, no matter China or the US. As Chinese I do know the CNSA's project is nearly purly peacefully because if we do want to do something wild, we will do it and let everyone know it in another logic and ways I would like to add, however, that so far I have not seen any reports in any official Chinese media of any militarization by China on the Moon. And I personally think that such an act as the militarisation of the Moon is both shameful and ridiculous.
  15. A Video about someone recorded a TLE (Transient Luminous Events) at Himalayas: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1N5411X7d3?spm_id_from=333.880.my_history.page.click 00:21: "The Red Pixies is super rare atmosheric luminescence phenomenon, mainly triggered by strong lightning. It was extremely intense and was accompanied by the first high-definition record of a Troll secondary jet-like phenomenon in China"
  16. The third launch by CNSA this month: CZ-2C rocket successfully take three communication technology test satellites into LEO.
  17. Mars' winter dust storm begins and Zhurong rover has enter the sleep mode. The rover is expected to wake up and resume normal operations around December this year, when the mission area enters the early spring season on Mars and the environment improves. 16 March of the Zhurong rover's mission area shot by Tianwen-1 And 30 April of the mission area Good night!
  18. There have been rumours on the Chinese folk internet that this neighbour of ours often buys clothes or something from us for 'parties' and rarely pays for it. Davy, guys, we forget Davy (and Annie)
  19. New information: it shows there has three beauty produts on board Tianzhou-4: Maysu Plum Blossom Multi-rejuvenating Soft Cream, Chando 'Little Gold Pen' Lipstick and Chando Men's 'Glacier' Moisturising Lotion. It's very likely that Liu Yang, the first Chinese female astronaut, will go to space again by upcoming Shenzhou-14 mission.
  20. Although relevant but not what I was talking about, so change this one: Hadrosauroid eggs and embryos from the Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) of Jiangxi Province, China
  21. Read some kind joke in Chinese social media saids the author, a trainee surgeon himself, was observing a particular operation on one occasion and had already started stitching when he entered the door. He was happily thinking that it was good that the operation was almost over without seeing much blood, when he saw the attending surgeon pick up a handful of internal organs and dump them into the abdominal cavity. He almost lost his footing and asked, "Don't you have to sort out the intestines and stuff before putting them in? The attending doctor glanced at him out of the corner of his eye as he held the remaining viscera in his hand: "No, they will return to their place. The human body is amazing, isn't it? Damn is it true? hahaha
  22. A well-preserved fossil Hadrosaurus embryo discovered in China. And the scientists named it as Ying Baby (英贝贝) https://www.cell.com/iscience/fulltext/S2589-0042(21)01487-5#secsectitle0040 “In contrast, the larger chicks of the subfamily Lambeosaurus are early adults and can join the herd very quickly after birth. This interesting difference naturally raises a question for evolutionary biologists about the ancestral traits of Hadrosaurus: were the Hadrosaurus-like ancestors late or early hatchlings during the hatching process? The small size of the eggs and embryos in the embryonic eggs of Ying Baby, similar to that of the Hadrosaurus subfamily, suggests that small eggs and late chicks are the original traits of Hadrosaurus, while the larger eggs and early chicks of the Lambeosaurus subfamily are derived from them, which is the most important scientific insight that the embryonic eggs of Ying Baby tell us.”
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