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White Owl

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Everything posted by White Owl

  1. Sam Hall's profile says he hasn't logged in since February, which is unfortunate. I'll ask anyway; maybe somebody else will know the answer. This IVA is superior to the MK1 IVA in almost every way. The one small problem I have is it can be difficult to see over the top of the navball. How hard would it be to raise the camera position a little bit? Is that an easy fix, or a major project?
  2. Does this mod not have an option for kerosene from Real Fuels? Trying to make a multi-purpose fuel gauge, but it won't work so well if it's missing one of the most frequently used fuels. GingerJohn, I notice you're using an outdated version of KSP and an outdated version of Module Manager. Could have something to do with it?
  3. That is beautiful. I've been making do with ugly GUI boxes from two different mods. This looks so much better.
  4. So I see in the examples how to use Squad's ledPanelSpeed model to display many different variables. I've succeeded in making a few custom instruments that way. I also see instructions and examples for making different kinds of MFD, and that's cool. How about if I want to modify Squad's analog gauges? Can this mod do that? I want to repurpose the axis indicators as trim indicators. Possible? Edit: Okay, now I see the example trim knobs. I just need to figure out how to apply the change to a different prop.
  5. How difficult would it be to expand this simple, wonderful little mod to a couple other "should be default anyway" features? Specifically, I'm thinking of precision control and free camera mode, since I select those options before flying anything, and it's a mild annoyance to reselect them every single time I change vehicles or whatever else. Seriously, what's even the point of regular non-precision control? Is it actually good for anything? Ever?
  6. Setting the camera angle, hmm. I think the ideal would be to let the user select a keybinding in a config file. If that won't work, I'd suggest something like Alt+click; I don't think that would conflict with any common commands. Thanks for considering it.
  7. I may have been premature in stating I would record more last night. For the past day or so I've been seriously bogged down in editing RPM prop placement and settings. That modded MK2 cockpit IVA is the best anybody has yet put together for this game, but neither the default RPM config nor the KSI edit really make good use of it. So I decided to fix that problem... don't want to think too hard about how many hours have gone into this project, nor how many hours still ahead.
  8. I'm putting together a spaceplane cockpit and would really love a machmeter. A cursory search found this post from several months ago, saying it should be possible. So that sounds good. Is it still possible? Planned? Forgotten about, maybe?
  9. That MK3 cockpit is a masterpiece! I've been slowly figuring out how to modify the layout of cockpit props to make another mod more usable with RasterPropMonitor. Your MK3 cockpit has this digital altimeter done in exactly the same style as the stock ledPanelSpeed... How could I add that one instrument to something else? Is it possible?
  10. Because NaturalPoint made changes after version 4 to prevent the equipment from being used with FreeTrack. Those other mods for the other games you mention are adapting the TrackIR software. (I know, I've used them.)
  11. But I still love these truss parts, and the TweakScale mod thread says it's incompatible! Is this mod going to be updated to work with the new plugin? I hope?
  12. I just had an idea. (No, really!) Would it be possible to adapt this mod to work with the IVA cockpit view? Specifically, I'd like to be able to set a default view that's zoomed in and centered on the instruments. Then you could grab the mouse and look around outside the windows or wherever, but then when you let go of the mouse the view would snap back to the instruments. Think that might be workable? The headtracking mod is just too rough and unreliable right now, but your camera mod might fill the gap, that's what I'm thinking.
  13. I've only noticed stack node errors when Procedural Parts and Procedural Fairings are both on the same vessel. If I roll PF back to version 2.4.4 the problem disappears and everything appears normal. Deleting the plugin from PF had no immediately noticeable effect, for better or worse. Deleting the plugin from PP made the entire mod not work anymore.
  14. Setback. Procedural Parts is still incompatible with the latest update to Procedural Fairings. This is one reason why I stopped recording for several days; my Dart vehicles in orbit include the old PF parts. I want to deorbit them, update PF, then launch the Duna science mission... but if PF and PP just won't play nice, then I think I'll stick with the old reliable version of PF for awhile longer. Give me a few minutes and I'll post some craft files for the current versions of the Atlatl series, without custom textures. Oh, and you'll have to edit the PP nosecone cfg like so: "aspectMin = 0.25", otherwise the nosecones are stupidly short, stubby, and unaerodynamic as the ass-ugly stock nosecones. Edit: I think I can just post a link to my GoogleDrive full of craft files. Let's try it: link
  15. I hate to be complaining all the time, since this mod is really indispensable to me... PP 0.9.10 is still incompatible with Procedural Fairings 3.01. The stack nodes appear to work when I'm building the rocket, but parts are embedded into each other when the vehicle is launched, or when loading a saved vehicle in the VAB. I made certain to test with freshly downloaded versions of both mods immediately before posting this. Here's an extremely simple craft file to illustrate: link Just a probe core, a fairing base, and a fuel tank. Load it into the VAB, and the fairing base is hidden inside the fuel tank. Here's hoping the solution is easy. Know that the problem only occurs because people love your work.
  16. Spent several hours last night adding, updating, and troubleshooting mods. I swear more time is spent managing mods than playing or recording... Anyway, I feel good and there are new toys to play with. Probably record some tonight and upload a day or so later.
  17. Just spent a couple hours tracking down old software versions and troubleshooting the install. This mod works for me, using TrackIR 4 equipment, but is very very rough. Lots of flickering, and the Vsync fix posted earlier didn't fix it. I want to use it... but it just isn't playable for me right now.
  18. I love the 2.5m airplane cockpit! That will soon feature in some large spaceplanes I'm planning. I love the extremely simple and functional cargobay too. And the 1.25m airplane fuselage carrying two passengers. So many simple parts here, filling long-standing needs. Edit: the firespitter plugin fix for the doors works perfectly. These are my new favorite cargo bays. I think I'll add the tweakscale plugin and use them to stow anything and everything.
  19. Sorry, man. I don't look at this thread often enough. The textures aren't ready to be shared yet. You're the first to ask for Atlatl craft files... They're in a state of flux right now since I have to rebuild with the updated procedural fairings, but after that's done I'll be willing to share, yes. The mod list for the current series is a few pages back. link
  20. For a long time, the biggest problem with doing any kind of airborne mothership spaceplane launch was losing control of the mothership. I always had to "just pretend" the plane flew back to a safe landing. Looks like this mod fixes that problem. Very nice!
  21. I'm thinking those cargobays combined with the rescale plugin would mean freedom for space shuttle designs in a variety of sizes, without installing the enormous B9 mod. Oh, and the fuselage parts are great!
  22. That's what I'm saying. Just to be sure, I redownloaded both mods, installed both, and now Procedural Parts doesn't work correctly. Starting a new vessel, I am unable to change textures; the GUI button doesn't appear at all. Loading up a saved vessel appears to work at first glance, but if you want to move parts around the stack nodes are stuck at their original default positions, and again there's no option to change textures.
  23. Thanks for volunteering, G'th. Looking forward to seeing your work.
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