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Everything posted by sipdeidf

  1. But my 1.10 KSP failed to load successfully, and there are some words above the loading bar. ModuleManager: 424 patches applied Mod(s) DLL that are not compatible with this version of KSP SoundtrackEditorForked GameData\SoundtrackEditorForked\Plugins\SoundtrackEditorForked.dll
  2. When I use this mod, the KSP load bar is stuck at the end and prompts “mod dll that are not compatible with this version of KSP” I am using KSP version 1.01, but mod is only 1.8x. Is it time to update this mod,thanks
  3. Hello, this mod is version 1.81, is it applicable to KSP version 1.10
  4. Hello, I have some problems using soundtrack editor forked. KSP's progress bar is stuck at the end and cannot be accessed, and the DLL information about this plug-in will pop up on the loading bar. If you delete this plug-in, you can enter KSP (I used the KSP version of 1.10, but this plug-in only has 1.81, I don't know whether this has any impact)
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