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Everything posted by InfoTheGamer

  1. I am referring to the grassy plains. Once you get out of the SPH / VAB, there is a very large area to work with. However, it is not big enough for the ships I want to build. I'm not trying to come off as annoying; from the forum post about the older Hangar Extender it appeared that you could change the outside area. In the settings file in the current mod, there is a depreciated "NOT IN USE" for max areas for the camera. Is there any way to change this value of 10? I respect your work on this mod, and thank you for bearing with me. Is there any workaround for this because I have seen ships over 1 km in the KSP subreddit, and they would be impossible to build if this value stays at 10. If you are not able to do this, how can it be done?
  2. Can the extended area be increased any further? I am building the I.S.V. Venture Star from Avatar, and I need room for a 1.6km ship. Is there any way to do this?? Is there a way to edit the config file to change the max area limit? It seems misguided to have hidden this...
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