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Everything posted by blastjack85

  1. Just recently started using this mod, and I'm having an odd issue. Kerbin seems to rotate way too fast and I can orbit at 300km with a surface speed of 400 m/s. Edit: And after turning off galaxy mode and making a new save to see if that was the issue, the sun is now a black hole.
  2. I've been looking around online and I've seen quite a few sources say that each craft can run on a separate thread. I have a save where I've been playing around with lots of separate craft instead of large ones to increase performance. With 10 roughly 40 part craft I get a CPU usage of only 17% on a 6 core CPU, which is only one core loaded to max. GPU sits below 30% the whole time.. Any idea why its putting them all on one core or is this intended behavior? For reference this is KSP 1.8.1, with a decent chunk of mods.
  3. I don't know if it has been answered already, but is Interstellar compatible with Realism Overhaul and Realistic Progression 1?
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