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  1. Hi there @Well! With your permission, I was thinking I might try to re-translate and update some of the Knes English Localization, both to give more comprehensive part descriptions and to resolve some naming conflicts with Knes and some other mods (some of the CryoTanks fuel tanks, for example, have similar names to a few of the ones in Knes). Happy to post the end result here once I've finished!
  2. This is the Player.log - I just renamed the file in my Dropbox so I remember what it is in future. Thanks for the Kronometer heads up!
  3. So, I've run into the same/similar issues to some folk up-thread - just had a part failure occur after undocking from a station. I'm admittedly in a very modded save, which could've caused it by some weird interaction. Vessel was named Brightmoon 3, station is Etheria Scientific Outpost, and the failure was an immediate overheat warning on ignition of an LV-909 Terrier engine, if that helps - here's the log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ke5gglba0vye7kh/KSP 1.12 log Brightmoon 3 failure.log?dl=0 I'm not here to complain, it was actually quite fun to be honest - just a weird and transient thing that I've never seen before and is ostensibly outside the mod's scope. My working theory is somehow it thought the undocked ship was a new vessel and the staging to activate the engine was "launch" and it overrode the atmosphere check somehow?
  4. https://drive.google.com/file/d/11MAZueM1lZIn9rNWZHwLluecAcImDCL3/view?usp=sharing My log, running (as far as I know if my understanding of Steam launch options is correct?) on Dx11. No change.
  5. Do we know, could DX12 be an issue? I know you said in the thread it's built for DX11, maybe something about 12 messes with it. Edit: ah. yeah. Think that's it. Testing with forced DX11. If that turns out to be the problem I'm either gonna laugh or start crying. The funky shadows. OpenGL's shadows beyond physics range of the ground are crisp and sharp. non-OpenGL's do the thing where you zoom out and they get blurry, and given the scale I build on all my crafts would look all dark and gross, unless I missed a fix, which we'll see when my game loads with DX11. EDIT 2: Running on DX11. No change, SMAA still causes very little visible effect. I'll do another boot and drop the log file.
  6. OKAY! I've fiddled with it, and from what I can tell there's a tiny, *very* imperceptible change from no AA to SMAA, in both Scatterer and my game. How do I crank SMAA up about 10 times? It's basically doing a very small amount of the AA I would like. TUFX SMAA on: TUFX SMAA off: Scatterer's is the same, but requires a scene change back to the Space Center to toggle it for me, so it's harder to illustrate. Look at the struts between the long panels, how discombobulated they are in both. For comparison, here's a shot from my prior settings, back in Scatterer version 0.06something, with the same station from a similar angle:
  7. I can go ahead and do that, yeah. I've stuck through with the same resolution as I always do, fullscreen 1920x1090. I'll throw together a quick comparison of a smaller, less complex craft with it on, off, and with stock AA on to show how AA typically looks for me - will edit in when I do so, booting up now. EDIT 1: AA as seen in orbit on a small station, 3 images 1. SMAA "enabled" (note sharp edges on solar panels) 2. SMAA "disabled" (no AA, same sharp edges) 3. Stock AA 8x, feat. funni black horizon line (as an example of how my normal AA usually looks EDIT 2: SMAA at the launchpad "disabled" "enabled" Note the sharp pixels on the VAB door and the SPH roof, in both, as well as the aforementioned panel stuff. Trying TUFX now.
  8. Is there anything that'd cause SMAA to straight-up not work at all? I have it enabled, the *game* looks fine, just that my crafts now are incredibly crusty as if AA isn't on at all. Is it compatible with OpenGL? I use that. (pictured: that same space station, with SMAA ostensibly enabled, acting entirely un-antialiased)
  9. New update's brilliant, absolutely brilliant. I've just begun fiddling with it myself. Edit: I've run up into trouble with some of the antialiasing features - disabling both of them entirely leaves my game oddly blurry and flicker-y, as (kinda) seen in the linked clip and as seen in the images, almost like heat waves; but enabling only subpixel antialiasing causes everything to be absolutely sharp to the pixel scale, which is kind of the opposite effect I want. Is there a way to simply not use Scatterer's new antialiasing at all and default to the stock system? https://imgur.com/a/HxzwJAq EDIT 2, details of what I've been able to surmise: - minor "heat wave" wavering effect regardless of antialiasing settings any way - temporal antialiasing causes an intense blurring "heat wave" effect that's worse with movement or far zoom - subpixel antialiasing seems to do nothing or very little alone at all - stock antialiasing resets on every scene change - stock antialiasing + subpixel antialiasing gets closest to pre-Scatterer look, but causes a thin black horizon line on areas where land intersects the horizon (not ocean) as pictured below I can get to drumming up my log file should it provide useful, but in my mind the thing to point directly to is the new antialiasing features not present previously as the culprit. EDIT 3: Here's the log from the boot-up seen below - both new AA types turned off, stock AA set to 8 but didn't initially render on new scenes and had to be turned off and on again to apply in each scene - and with stock AA came the black line where land meets horizon. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zOGnq5mgogyuYfF7gLVtql_Fhp8H-G9n/view?usp=sharing Of note in all this is that my system is rescaled - Kerbin and all other bodies are 1.69x their stock size, if that makes any difference to things. As always, thank you for all the work you do - even with the nitpicks and the new AA's apparent dislike of me, the tools being inside the game is going to revolutionize modding not just for me, but for a lot of people looking to design their own visuals without going file-digging.
  10. All this is genuinely making me really look forward to retooling my custom Scatterer settings. Super excited for when it releases!
  11. Oh my sweet god. It's beautiful. It's perfect. This is gonna revolutionize my graphics game. I neeeeeed it (when it's ready <3)
  12. Super excited for the new version - gotta ask, does the atmosphere generation being in-game mean we'll be able to tweak our settings in real-time and immediately see the results? That kind of thing would do wonders for me in updating my visuals without having to swap back and forth between the tool and my game.
  13. Entirely fair enough - thanks for the potential temp fixes, and thanks as always for your work on the mod! When push comes to shove, I may just ignore it until the next update or so, given you've said I should hold off on updating my atmospheres. I may be back then - 0.0722 absolutely nukes my custom-generated Eve (the planet) atmosphere, so I'll have to reconstruct that particular one from square one.
  14. Gotcha! To start, a description of my as-yet ongoing issue: (Scatterer v.0.0632, EVE Redux, KSP version with OpenGL enabled) When in low orbit over the dark side of Duna, clouds appear to "glow" blue, as if Duna is not casting a shadow on them. This only occurs in low orbit, disappearing once in high orbit; and this is only the case when EVEIntegration_preserveCloudColors = False in the config. When EVEIntegration_preserveCloudColors = True in the config, clouds disappear entirely when in low orbit, only becoming visible once in high orbit. This effect is only present on Duna, and nowhere else. The relevant EVE configs originate from Spectra and Astronomer's Visual Pack, retooled to fit my Rescale (1.69x scale) (Generally my custom Duna configs are pretty janky and weird, I won't lie; there's a bit of a hard atmorim cutoff for starters, which you'll see in the screenshot album. I do like how it looks from high, though.) Duna atmo config (Pastebin): https://pastebin.com/eE1E4SUW General Scatterer config (Pastebin): https://pastebin.com/q5fA4Twe Log (Dropbox): https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7xid4l50cf11hwu/AADr4w0A-cpYe0KFjYsASU1Oa?dl=0 Screenshots (Imgur): https://imgur.com/a/MHQrEhY if you need anything else just let me know, happy to grab additional screenshots, other configs, etc.!
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