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Everything posted by vv3k70r

  1. Because You need all this operation still. Procesor have limited power. Nbody simulation are not fast.
  2. It do not exchange for infinite dV. Have You ever live in country where goverment is printing money with this idea? I did - 1 changed to 1000000 in purchase power until in few years. Because there are places with lot of sunpower and there are some dark "corners" far from the Sun. There are light probes and heavy crew mission (because of weight of snacks).
  3. Kind of: Dont You like grindy exploatearism comrade?! You have to do a career to pay taxes and as obidient citizen fund space projects!
  4. I get a mission to fix and move someones rover. I was seting fuel mine on Minmus so engineer was on the way anyway. But no wheels. So I docked it with first rover that landed there and moved where they want. Of course I stole the rover. And get mission to fix another one. And those parts will be usefull but I do not have spare solar panels. But on my way was first rocket that landed this rover and it have solar panels. View on this voyage was great: Mun, Kerbin and Minmus - all spamed with snackseaters. And here is rocket - I took docking ports, some landing legs for another project and big solar panels - bigger the better. Heading now to another rover to fix. This one looks more usefull for me. Rodzon Kerman - grand thief rover.
  5. Any inclination crossing KSC at point in time. Kerbin is rotating. But You can abuse gravity assist paying with time.
  6. You have to carry this volume of fuel up there anyway. But... with every tank You take at once number of dead weight struts grow like mad. It is why reafueling saves when struts start to weight.
  7. Blasphemy! I'm so afraid of the mighty K that I will not even invoke his name.
  8. Mun is home. If You play career again You can get there and back with closed eyes half drunk. On way back inclination do not play any role - You gonna orbit Kerbin any way. Of course You have to send Kerbal! It is game about brave Kerbals! KerbalsSpaceAdventure. I always send Jeb before any probe. Because on the beggining I have Kerbals and no probe Take more chute and set one drouge to deploy without questioning safety (tweakable) - it will break but slow You down. Set one drouge to separate staging. Go to advanced tweakable. Set it to open immediatly (hard word, cant spell it). It will open and break but will slow You down. Then use other drouges and other chutes. Tweak them to maximal deplyoment 10.
  9. There could be somthing with Your question if You get such an answer. You can rotate things? ctrl+shift to align it to absolute reference? You just decouple rovers with reaction wheels in normal mode and fall on wheels. Change control point to one on rover. When You are on wheels You change reaction wheels mode to SASonly. Leave rocket where it landed. Everybody had at the beggining. You are welcome in the club. Because it is hard to state question in subject where is no experience.
  10. Bodies are on rails. These points are not stable in such case. Game keep ilusion of reasonable interaction by tracks, but it is only ilusion for our game experience. To solve this You have to add another Lpoints invisible bodies on rails to keep vessels there. Like exclusive sphere of influence. And it is already in game - Every orbit is stable. Always. It is not how it works in reality.
  11. In such case there is need for procedural shapes, procedural inner constrution suport. So game have to be splited for separate program just to make vessels and one to play them. Meybe this is future for such games because people do parts in separate program and import them anyway. Reasonable, but in such a case we can split game in separate subgames/minigames around every celestial body, because timeline&scale for travel and for plying on celestial body have diferent magnitude. Different suits, differnt material for chemistry reason, preasure, gravity. Very reasonable. In such case those games would be very intresting, but are hard to develop in current publisher/economic solutions. It can be delivered by comunity on main engine build by publisher. Then we come to economy, rights and so on. It could be very complex. But will meet expectation of narrow market that like it. There are similiar community solutions, as far I remember for panzer general at least. For sure there is more, but it is a narrow market. If market att all. Number of mods to this game sugest it is posible to be done even if not to solve on economic and legal terms.
  12. Because there is nothing like green energy. To move mass in reference to other mass in time You have to get entropy worse. So You can choose to get photons from burning start, or use coal and oxygen from older star that did coal and oxygen cycle and died, or You can use radioisotops made from corpse of even stranger star that died in more horrific way. Any way - You have to burn the stars and get entropy worser. Low entropy in (like shorter wave radiation, separated coal and oxygen, radioisotops) - heat radiation out (like longer wave radiation, chemical combination of higher entropy, high entropy radioisotop) and so You move things around. If You would fly away from a planet You have to use some very orginized matter from this planet and throw it away. Like hydrogen and oxygen. Mines look that way: So we have just to explode gas giant like we explode rocks and get what we want from the asches!^^ We just need sligthly bigge ka-boom to get rid of gasgiant.
  13. You need xenon electric ion drive (around 3200 in vacum, so around 10 times more then chemical reaction). It is somwhere right on techtree on similiar level as nuclear engine. It do not work (well) in atmosphere, give thrust like hair dryer, is very small and need lot of electric suply but deliver huge amount on dV, just some manouvers takes hours so You burn, then loading electric, then burn again and so on. Manouvers inside planets sphere of influence are quite spiral because of that, but around Sun it is up to scale. They are so small that You propably attach it to another rocket (dedicated for moving Kerbal would take 3 such engines to give any reasonable thrust to weight with battery and solar panels). But way up on SRB is a good idea. But forget about "green" - to get clean xenon You have to burn lot of coal. And amount of xenon limit Your dV any way. It cannot be mined - You need to take it with You.
  14. I found end of sphere! There is edge! World is flat! Or Minmus is just broken - I found this when all my wheels get destroyed for unknown reason: It do not disapear after restart. How to get rid of that?
  15. Proper polar orbit for comunication: Second one is doing lower to get same orbit after pass. All this to get comunication in other planets.
  16. Are You sure it resemble decent rocket? Have You considered refueling in orbit here and there?
  17. It works great and never fail. (it was a similiar joke in StarTrek when producer was asked how work hyperdrive) You setting in this "animation path" for other parts. Exactly like animation in 3dmax. In this path You are seting values on Yaxis and time on Xaxis. You can change duration, execution (play once, play loop, play back and forth). But... If You are not familiar with using such tools (let say for animation, or prcedural execution) it will take You a while untill You get with complexity of multiple controlers. So take Your time and start with something simple to test. Then You find lot of workarounds for animating robots and using lot of controlers for fun. But! Robotics during game load ssss... So You will soon find misplaced parts far away from its origin. It is a whole fun about this game - it is frustrating like all problem solving in enginering. You tray, and try and reality is laughing at You. Try to use controler (like arduino) and see how many issues You get into. And You gonna solve them. I have lot of industrial machines for production and theoreticly everything should work by the book, but it dosent and part of the job is to find workarounds (even if it is workaround internal buerocracy).
  18. It happens sometime. Keybord is not responding in KSP att all. Even numlock and capslock.
  19. Exactly. It is very important when to start manouver (if You follow only markers without manouver markers) in term of seconds to node (let say PE, AP, descend/ascend) or even how and where on trajectory manipulate Your path. Higher TWR make in easier because velocity would change almost at given point without affecting other values. Longer burn against not manouver marker rotate whole reference a bit. There are at least such cases (without manouver markers): -for exact orbit use short single burn in PE/AP, after You get corect inclination; -for exact orbit burn in ascending/descending node pro or retro to move Your PEargument; -for fast landing insertion burn just after catching up gravity well to get You PE down; -for cheap landing insertion circularize in PE, then in new PE, then select landing spot by inclination when You are slow (cheaper), then land suicide burn; -for controling gravity assist choose You direction (let say normal/anti) and turn to stability assist to keep this vector without adjusting reference frame when You changing velocity; -for ascend/descend start burning slowly on normal/antinormal a bit before node and if You at the node stop burning; -for ascend/descend roll Your node on low value by burning slowly; -for catching up PE argument burn slowly before the PE/AP to roll node in given seconds value before You controling Your thrust; -for precise manouvers tweak You engine thrust (it will scale main throtle); -for catching up docking or asteroid if target prograde burn on oposite side of target (in target mode) to move prograde marker on target marker to match; if retro bur ofset to retro to match retro with target/antitarget (depend on control default/reverse); -for landing with atmosphere (specialy with dense atmosphere) move You AP a bit over atmosphere and PE a bit inside and use it for deceleration - it could take almost one orbit to fall; -for landing without atmosphere decelerate retrograde and if You are about pass target burn horizontaly in retrograde direction to lose You forward vector; -for pinpoint landing without dense atmosphere try to fall verticaly on target, change to docking mode and radial out, and control Your vessel sideways using main throtle (there be only Z/X working in docking mode, shift is assigned for RCS/verniers) to controll descend speed or even hower;
  20. For lowG rover You absolutly need reaction wheels. When You speed up and jump You need to turn reaction wheels from SAS to full control and position rover to land on wheels. Use alt+F12, position Your rover on da Mun and see what happen without reaction wheels when driving. Asign a key to cycle wheel mode SAS-PILOT-NORMAL.
  21. I landen LFB: And get some money back:
  22. Plan was to make deep space hauler better and launch it cheaper. Mean reusable liquid booster. Hauler go for refil on Mun orbit. Whole story is about landing this booster. So we launch: Gravity turn around 45deg on 16km because of holding TWR manualy around 1.4, then decoupling airfoils from top (before AP and circularisation): 13m/s in booster is enough to go back from 73km orbit downe with PE to 55 aiming for 3/4 of Kerbin to KSC with 0,3deg inclination. After a while: Booster aimed at KSC going prograde: Kinetic missle on the way. Dont panic on KSC! Trajectory is corect. And there is no much controls att all more then small airfoils. Some agressive breaking: More breaking and drouge: Chutes: Mission control can leave trenches: and some money are back: Vessel: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2359775897
  23. I land manualy. Always. No mechjeb. This I can do manualy any way. With over 70flight same time I have a lot other things to do. He was testing a series of bad gravity assist? Because amount of fuel to do that mean he started few centuries ago to get reasonable AP weeklight away.
  24. It was this. I turned it false and it helped. It tries to reposition vehicle in hundreds of steps. It should be False by default. Didint happen to me. I did, it was structural load. On struts and rigid.
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