KSP: 1.11.1 Windows 64bit
Problem: Fatal crash when loading b9partswitch
Mods installed:
Reproduction steps:
Hello, I have pretty much the same problem as Nova1 above.
I was playing the other day, everything was fine. I just updated a few mods (PatchManager, OPT Reconfig, OPT Legacy, OPT Continues, Near Futur Launch Vehicles) and suddenly when loading the game, it gives me the following error message:
B9PartSwitch - Fatal Error
B9PartSwitch has encountered a fatal error and KSP needs to close.
Fatal exception while loading fields on module ModuleB9PartSwitch on part
Exception while loading field subtypes on type B9PartSwitch.ModuleB9PartSwitch
Exception while loading fields on subtype PartSubtype D
Exception while loading field tankType on type B9PartSwitch.PartSubtype
No tank type named 'Deuterium' exists
And the game crashes ...
I re-downloaded B9PartSwitch directly from github, in case the version accompanying any of the updated mods got corrupted, but that didn't change the problem.