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  1. Hello !! This is probably asked a lot but how do you enable the bad air and stress addons ? Ive installed snacks throught CKAN is that the problem ?
  2. Thank you for your patience, my first experience with the forum was very positive thanks to you
  3. if you had a brain fart, im completely braindead. I am unable to send a screenshot, yes embarassing, so ill just write the actual message: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B9PartSwitch - Fatal Error B9PartSwitch has encountered an error and ksp needs to close. Fatal exception while loading fields on moduleB9PartSwitch on part Exception while loading field subtypes on type B9PartSwitch.ModuleB9PartSwitch Exception while loading fields on subtype PartSubtype SnacksAir Exception while loading field on tankType on type B9PartSwitch.PartSubtype No tank type named ´DS_SnacksAir` exists Please see KSP´s log for additional details
  4. Excuse my ignorance but, when you mean "KSC view" do you mean the screen which appears right after I load my game in witch I for example select the VAB. If thats the case then I dont even reach that point before the error.
  5. Hi, Im having problems with airline kuisine and B9partswitch. When i start up the game, B9 forces me to quit because of a "fatal error". Ive already got deepskycore, so I have no idea what the problem is.
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