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Kerbal Productions

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Everything posted by Kerbal Productions

  1. Yes, including ex-clam-ation What if I deep-dived to Jool, would I end up back to Kerbin?
  2. 3/10 That's weird I listen to music with English lyrics
  3. 10/10 Same I cuddle my cat, feed her, and give her needs when necessary.
  4. 5/10 There's a tendency some do, and some don't. I use Discord like any other human
  5. Banned for weird and possibly violent image.
  6. Call it what you want, I don't know! TUBM laughs at egg puns.
  7. Unbanned for speaking now. Let's not talk 'bout alcohol
  8. Banned for actually telling someone they owe you beer
  9. Unbanned for being informal, this is the forum games let's have lots of fun
  10. Undocking of lander Some good view of Dragur's surface Landed, and by luck 15 meters beside stranded ship Summer Kerman surprised and angry because the flag went 2 km above the surface for no reason Ascent back to warpship. Ore tanks are jettisoned because they're just a burden
  11. DESTINATION 1 Lich / Pulsar Arrival "Orbit insertion" Traveling to Dragur (these radiation beams are... good) Arrival Objective: Land and plant a flag (+ rescue 2 kerbals which I stuck on Dragur when recording a video)
  12. Eggs-actly, I've got less rep TUBM can give someone some egg puns
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