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Posts posted by OrdinaryKerman

  1. I don't think there's a stock way to circumvent the standard flag aspect ratio, so I'd just insert the decal into a larger transparent image with a 16:10 aspect ratio (don't know why stock flags are stored as 2:1, the display aspect ratio on parts and the ingame flag browser is 16:10 and the textures used to be 16:10 until ver. 1.11 iirc)


    example result:
    512x320 px, 16:10 aspect ratio


  2. made a V2-based glider for part testing and mid-atmosphere sounding

    launch from LC-26 at Cape Kanaveral

    apoapsis about 15 km, proceeding to test zone
    approach into Banana River

    landed just north of the Port

    actually flew okay, 7/10 will use again

    Also made an early war surplus monoplane for an observation contract
    takeoff from Skid Strip

    observation taken

    approach, with flight recorder enabled

    somewhat bumpy landing (in-universe probably due to aged suspension, out-of-universe because I am a bad pilot)

  3. Did some konstructing around Cape Kanaveral

    also added Waterfall and texture options to CNAR

    Added CCAFS hangars, LC 5/6 and 26, SLC-17A, and the VAB/LCC industrial area

    some rivet detail visible, apoapsis of about 48 km

    BDB Gemini chute because V2 never had one IRL, also the camera window is stuck open since it ran out of power during descent


  4. Launched a 5 meter diameter station

    mostly just aesthetic because I had to follow my 10 year old brother's sketch, doesn't have any fuel supply but does have a fish farm

    Powerplant is an MX-1 Garnet fission reactor, propulsion is 2 fore/aft Far Future Tech large arcjet RCS and 8 small arcjet quads,  attitude control is by 4 International Space Station CMGs mounted above the (supposed) shadow shield

    then docked a vertical launch SSTO to it (currently expendable, might be convertible into a reusable vehicle in future

    rendezvous (brightness boosted 4x)

    maneuvering to starboard docking adapter

    ready for lunge

    hard dock

    centrifuge deploy


    bunch of photos:


  5. 11 hours ago, OrdinaryKerman said:



    Linus being last to go home after closing down R&D main office for the weekend

    (mostly pen and color pencil, sharpie for the sky, highlighter for the booth windows and a bit of digital for the border and white core in taillight glows)


    Linus being last to go home after closing down R&D main office for the weekend

    (mostly pen and color pencil, sharpie for the sky, highlighter for the booth windows and a bit of digital for the border and light fx)

  6. oYEC96v.png
    Linus being last to go home after closing down R&D main office for the weekend (mostly pen and color pencil, sharpie for the sky, highlighter for the booth windows and a bit of digital for the border and white core in taillight glows)

  7. A more general-purpose exploration vessel based on the Akira-class frame (scale inconsistencies notwithstanding)


    Named it after a Tellarite ambassador from ENT, no particular reason just needed a name

  8. floor

    A mostly unpressurized maintenance floor with some huge tie rods connecting the central structure to surrounding bundles of jet-black tension cables that go from ground level to seemingly infinite height. The black sky spans your vision all around, dotted by the remains of Luna twinkling in the sunlight as they tumble around. You walk around the perimeter while starting to question the materials that the building is made of, but then stop because you don’t have much time before having to go back to a pressurized floor. 

  9. On 6/14/2023 at 8:15 AM, MashAndBangers said:

    I'm also receiving this error with RMM and no FAR installed.  Latest version from Github.

    might be because of this typo on  rmm_arenysaurus.cfg, line 310

            affectFARVoxels = false		SUBTYPE

    changed it to 

    	affectFARVoxels = false

    EDIT: no related errors on loading (still got some from Moderately Plane-Related but those are irrelevant)
    EDIT2: engine still works
    test flight ended in partial RUD through no fault of the engine itself

  10. very WIP

    IXV Hail Mary extending its tether centrifuge

    for some reason the most detailed part of the model (currently) is the tether ropes, it's got modeled strands and stuff

  11. On 4/10/2024 at 12:23 PM, CollectingSP said:

    Hey @OrdinaryKerman, is there any way you can point me in the right direction with this?

    I'm trying to find a way to get the KSP builtin textures into sketchUp so that I can model a building... how would I go about doing that? I'm somewhat new to this so any help would be appreciated with regards to making KK statics.


    I think I downloaded a unity asset decompiler* from somewhere and looked around the .asset files in <ksp root dir>/KSP_x64_Data, looking for texture files mentioned here:
    https://github.com/GER-Space/Kerbal-Konstructs/wiki/Builtin-Textures-for-KSP-1.8. in the sharedassetsn.assets files (being any number)  Was very tedious as I recall, but that was over a year ago. do note that most textures in the bundle cannot be used by Kerbal Konstructs, only the ones in the list.
    be sure to export the model as .mu with placeholder textures, then redirect to the internal textures using

    *https://github.com/SeriousCache/UABE for example

  12. 21 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

    I strongly believe not. I've been to System Heat's repo a few times, and NFE's repo just now, and have seen nothing that suggests "yes."

    it's in Extras/SystemHeatFissionReactors/NearFutureElectrical on the SystemHeat repo, was last touched 3 years ago according to github but seems to work

  13. Munyad, 32 Erbol 1971 - Completed full duration static fire of Belle-A to confirm readiness for future missions. Estimated reliability now 84%.


    Minmyad, 33 Erbol 1971 - Approved driving trip for Astronaut Group 1 graduates, also vibration testing some space equipment at the same time (Jeb Kerman is a god-awful driver). Felix the cat allowed onboard for his first time outdoors in weeks since he went to near-space. Came out surprisingly calm.
    (non-diegetic image)

  14. Evyad, 29 Erbol 1971, all times UTC

    attempted launch of Space Geographer 1 (CAI name: SPY GLASS Mark 1 Flight Alpha, just a straight-up irl KH-1 Corona because I lack imagination). Launch "scrubbed due to loss of pressure in combustion chamber resulting in flameout", according to the Central Agency for Intelligence.  Rolled back to VAB, investigation pending.

    09:56 -  SPY GLASS 1 rolled out to pad. Resuming countdown.

    11:27:35 - RL79 ignition
    11:27:44 - Contained failure of turbopump, small explosion on flameout. Rolling back for replacement and inspection of engine section.


    Publicly released imagery of the vehicle on the pad, from a WDR some days ago

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