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  1. https://imgur.com/a/hVZA2Ab Well... That was a rookie mistake. CROSSFEED WAS DISABLED. But thank you for your time anyway.
  2. KSP: 1.8.1 (Win64) - Unity: 2019.2.2f1 - OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit ClickThroughBlocker - Toolbar - ToolbarControl - Advanced Jet Engine - 2.15 B9 Part Switch - 2.14 Community Resource Pack - 1.4.1 AdvancedTextures - 1.8.1 Deadly Reentry - 7.8 Ferram Aerospace Research - FMRS (Flight Manager For Reusable Stages) - FShangarExtender - 3.6 RasterPropMonitor - 0.31.4 Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - 3.5.1 KerbalKonstructs - Kerbal Reusability Expansion - 2.8.6 Kopernicus - KSC Extended - 2.2 KSP-AVC Plugin - ModularFlightIntegrator - 1.2.7 NearFutureSolar - 1.2.3 Persistent Rotation - 1.8.7 Procedural Fairings - 1.8.3 RealChute - 1.4.8 RealFuels - 12.8.5 Real Heat - 5.1 RealismOverhaul - 12.8.1 RealSolarSystem - 18.1.3 Recovery Controller - 0.0.4 RetractableLiftingSurface - SolverEngines - 3.7.5 Trajectories - 2.3.4 Tundra Space Center - 2.0.1 ZeroMiniAVC - working on the pics now i forgot to add b9 wings like i had before i just did it
  3. The staging area of the editor doesn't even show 0 m/s, it shows nothing at all for DeltaV. And the engines won't fire on the pad either. PLAZ HALP.
  4. Yes, I do. RO/RSS/RP1 and their dependencies, I got on CKAN. I have some SpaceX mods that I downloaded online. Well that's really weird. None of my SpaceX mods are in the gamedata folder. But retractable lifting surfaces is, that was a dependency for one of the SpaceX mods. I just deleted it, trying now.
  5. plaese i need to get this done so that i can make a falcon 9 kos thing for my computer science class it due in two days
  6. its not a log its the picture where would i upload it
  7. KSP is stuck on Squad/Parts/Engine/jetEngine/jetEngineAfterburning/turbojet. PLAZ HALP!!!!! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JjIxf_wpV3Tn_-JioVCubsDXuSY7Nnn_PRA0kh2059E/
  8. ckan doesnt show all of the mods so i dont know
  9. Well maybe this will help me. This is the same problem I have. It turns out that i didn't fix it. I am a little bit confused about why you didn't ask this last time. I am not using ckan for this-didn't know you could, I tried. Yea, just checked, it's not in ckan.
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