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  1. nice! that means i can do it! thanks a lot for this reply JSO. i just don't really know how to create a module manager patch. do i open it with notepad to edit it?
  2. the idea is to be able to transport anything with a single and same part. i like to make standard models that i can use for different things. it has a nice inventory that comes with it, very useful when you need to add some stuff within a refuel mission. it also looks better imo to have one a homogeneous design. and even if i kinda agree with you for realistics reasons, i'm still free to do what i'd like in my solo games it's not a simulator anyway.
  3. Hey guys, i just downloaded this mod yesterday and messed around a bit with it, very great work i have to admite, i really enjoy all the content. however, i have a simple question i can't find the answer myself. here's the thing: i'd like to change the ressources i can tweak in the AARDV cargo. there's only ore, h2/o2, water, and material kits available for me to use in this part. i'd like to change them into or add monoprop and basic rocket fuel (oxydizer and liquid fuel). do you guys know how i can do this? i really tried to find a way to do this myself and tried to find the answer here or elsewhere but the 738 pages really lost me, plz don't blame me for not reading them all thanks a lot.
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