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Wizard Kerbal

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    No longer on an Xbox.
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    I dunno man.
    KSP >= KSP 2

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  1. Yeah nah I got JNSQ and that ruined my plans WAIT KSP 2 WAS MY CHANCE NOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  2. The image should sufficiently illustrate the problem, I used CKAN to download the mod, and i've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the mod but I don't know what other ways I should use to fix it.
  3. if I were to do this on kerbin At 8km I would need to maintain a speed of 10.4 km/s . . . what have I signed up for?
  4. I’m gonna try this. A very high-up launch clamp, a bunch of seperatrons to get it to a very high speed very fast and then a vector abusing KAL.
  5. My bad amigo I haven’t been here since the first KSP2 trailer was released
  6. I got bored doing one of my contracts. I decided to try to do the bridge run, but realized that it had much less clearance. This was the best I could do. I challenge all other kerbonauts to do the R&D Level 2 bridge run. Do the full one, and i’ll make you a badge with MS paint.
  7. I have EVE, AVP, Scatterer, Planetshine and Restock+ and waterfall. I notice other people’s games have trees and rocks and stuff other than the breaking ground surface features, but none appear in my game, and planets and moons look barren without them.
  8. It’s not as big as one and it’s really not an osprey in any other way than the tilt-wings but y’know https://youtu.be/BLYRMc8BTMw
  9. Some of the engines you use most in Restock+ got the most dramatic modifications, meaning the stock plumes which waterall changes do not match up with the nozzles at all, making poodles, mainsails and a couple others just SUCK. I don’t want to suffer with them both, but I don’t want to get rid of either. So yeah . . . title. or . . . I noticed the little tab on the right. Could I use that to mess with the plumes and make ‘em fit again? or . . . could I delete the restock+ engine retextures for the ones that get messed up and have the stock poodle and mainsail back? Is that possible?
  10. I realize now my go - to would have worked, I was just using the wrong fuel tanks. I’m dumb
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