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  1. I created a config, try it https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OdEFhR95cHGB6JU625gUihFqqVwKhpnW/view?usp=sharing
  2. In 3.19 version of Kerbalism any engine with a built-in tank causes errors! https://github.com/Kerbalism/Kerbalism/issues/879
  3. Hi, checked with JNSQ only - does not work. Maybe it's because of the new Kopernicus? https://imgur.com/a/pHBagM8 KSP 1.12.5
  4. xtasy


    No clouds on Earth.
  5. The parallax developer will not write a config for the JNSQ. I posted the issue here, so that the developer of the JNSQ can make the necessary changes in configs.
  6. That's why i use JNSQ. In stock game there are no same issues.
  7. I agree, comparing stock and mod is not correct. But i compared two builds - befor https://gitlab.com/ksrss/KSRSS/-/commit/79108ac108493ba1834209c3314065f35b6fa686 and after. There was a 15 fps drop. In this build you add 48k clouds? Ok, i only want to help make KSRSS better)
  8. Omg... FPS with new KSRSS x2.7 without parallax! Please, check your configs...
  9. There is huge FPS degradation with new KSRSS and Parallax2.0. Stock KSP + KSRSS(30.08.2022) x2.7 + Parallax old Stock KSP + KSRSS(06.09.2022 with all new patches 1h ago) x2.7 + Parallax 2.0 New career in both games. No effect with any changes in config parallax. Stock KSP without KSRSS + Parallax 2.0
  10. this is not a bug, it's the same in stock version. But in stock version there are trees and this smooths out the effect. )
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