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  1. is that another mod or is it included in your mod? nevermind. read the fine print...but I did notice that B9Partswitch and Benjee10 shared assets was included in reDIRECT, which one should I use?
  2. Just installed but some shuttles won't open because its missing "direct.ssme.b" part. Any suggestions?
  3. I'm trying my darndest to get this thing complete. The requirements are: enough space for 5 kerbals, an antenna, a docking port, and the ability to generate power. So I built it (added a MPL because why not), landed, BUT forgot the docking port. luckily I had an engineer on it so I sent an unkerbaled supply ship up with a docking port jr. Welded the docking port on and...nothin'. I even made sure to have 5 Kerbals on board because the wording was iffy about whether they needed to be there or not. All notes checked off, but it won't complete. also I have a screenshot but it seems I can only add a photo from a url. Any advise on how to share the photo here is also appreciated.
  4. Hi, I'm trying to run ksp 1.11.0 on my Imac (iMac Retina 4K, 21.5-inch, Late 2015), running Catalina. When I go full screen, hordes of blinking black lines appear. I tried to change the resolution, which works somewhat, but then the buttons and pop up dialogue become too small to see. Is there a fix to this or a suggestion for my machine? I've resorted to booting ksp from the ksp launch program using launch to full screen. Not the best solution because A) it's not full screen, just a large enough window and B) the resolution is much lower. any ideas? thanks
  5. I just downloaded KSP 1.11.0, but when I try to open the installer I get the following message: “KSPInstaller-1.11.0.pkg” can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software." It also said I need to update the software. I am a new user and have never had KSP before, so I'm not upgrading. Any help you all can offer would be appreciated. I'm running Catalina on Mac OS if that's relevant.
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