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Victory Star Destroyer

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Posts posted by Victory Star Destroyer

  1. Wonderful new version!
    Just a few questions:

    1. I think in the picture it is actually Uranus, not Neptune. But in the game Neptune is also quite bright, its luminosity nearly reached Uranus from the front。

    2.Does the speed of "Earth clouds shadow" in the Clouds.cfg should be adjusted too?

    Thanks! I personally think that this is the best RSS visual pack ever

  2. On 3/1/2022 at 11:35 PM, PeterGW said:

    First of all: congratulations. This looks awesome.

    I do have a weird issue however. When flying at night while still low and the ground is still rendered the entire landmass is coved in city lights.


    Once I'm in space the earth looks correct with lights only where there should be cities.


    Does anyone have any idea what i did wrong?


    Press alt+f10, click "map eve clouds", and it should be a lot better

  3. On 1/12/2022 at 11:03 PM, Skywavestar said:

    How should I install Evo?

    I just opened the KSP

    But it didn't work

    I don't know how to install it at all

    你先把github上的所有东西下下来,然后把所有东西拖到ksp/gamedata里就好了 进游戏打开TUFX,将EVO beta.3 cfg 装进去就行了
    you shall first download all the things on github, and then drag your downloads into ksp/gamedata. When you get into the game, click the TUFX icon and then apply the EVO beta.3 cfg

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