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  1. found that the lamps still blink on the outdoors
  2. this problem is solved if your KSP version is 1.11.1 and Restock version is 1.3.1. tested, all RCS work
  3. Now it is clear. Thank for the clarification
  4. have any ideas in which config it can be fixed? in update 1.11.0 it worked in both the stock and restocks re: everything looks fine in configs. seems to be an animation problem. why squads got into animation, that's the question
  5. all lamps are not blinking, only emitted light blinks
  6. Restock 1.3.0 / Restock 1.3.0 not for 1.11.0 ? 1.11.1 - latest update
  7. acceleration of the engine thrust works inverted, it should be the other way around. cool mod, thanks. added layers of sounds from the old +old sound layer
  8. confirm that, the linear mini RCS cannot be selected after moving to the workspace
  9. What can say... I just love you guys so hard
  10. It's right. Have they had updates that don't disappoint? a rhetorical query.
  11. Typically, mod developers are not expected to see quality superior to game developers. Thank you guys for what you are doing. For me, Nertea mods are an integral part of the game. All the best to you guys.
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