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Everything posted by Phelidai

  1. I was messing around with some fighter style planes and having a blast until I thought of an idea... a nuclear powered plane! Safe for everyone, and Bob gets the capsule door bolted tight, because he'll never need to leave! The first few tests went well. Mostly well. It took flight. It stayed flying. It didn't even burn through it's fuel as fast as I thought it would! So I set myself a challenge: Land on the island airfield. A few attemps later, it was done! But I was beginning to realize how incredibly fast the ISP (and thus the delta-V) rose with altitude, at least early on. In fact, during my cruise to the island airfield, i'd gained nearly 200s of ISP in just a kilometer of altitude! So a new challenge presented itself: SSTO. Shockingly, I didn't even need to make any major modifications! A reaction wheel here, a shorter wingspan there, moar struts... and I'd made it to space! Further optimisation can definitely be made. I threw this together in around an hour and a half. If you run any similar missions, please include them here!
  2. Hey. Saw a few other people had this issue so I'll start up a thread for it. I appear to have been lucky enough to get a good few minutes of gameplay, but after a restart I began encountering this issue. Upon starting a new campaign or loading an existing one, game loading is fine until it hits the infamous "Pumping Sim Once". Then it freezes. Leaving it for a few minutes eventually brings me to a different frozen screen with a broken debug UI window. Restarts, reinstalls, starting without the launcher, all that doesn't affect it. Would love to get more than 10 minutes of gameplay in!
  3. ContractConfigurator lists Bases and Stations as active, and I see most of the contracts I normally would. Here's what the possible contacts list looks like for me: Also, here's my log file in case you need it: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VcaHSNpwuz8ZSu-vJVANiRGtQOkTzvYR/view?usp=sharing Any help would be very much appreciated!
  4. I'm not seeing a "Launch Station Core" mission in the possible contracts window, whereas I remember seeing such a mission in a different playthrough a few months back. Is this expected behavior?
  5. It appears the kracken has smiled upon me. Something I did while fiddling with KCT in CKAN must have fixed it.
  6. My apologies! Log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18a51mju_06SKYixaHIaa-6Sik3htL3Bs/view?usp=sharing Version: 1.8.1
  7. I'm getting an issue with an indefinite load time when clicking the launch button after rolling out to the pad. I have a pretty large modpack, so are there any known mods that KCT doesn't like?
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