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Everything posted by Melontime

  1. banned for having a quest for Hypersonic
  2. 66 bottles of age appropriate beverage on the wall! 66 bottles of a beverage this is a reference guess what show? 65 bottles of age appropriate beverage on the wall!
  3. 10/10 ever since i came back i've seen you the most
  4. would he agree? i wouldn't know @Spaceman.Spiff
  5. Banned For Banning Him for mentioning that
  6. you all thought it would be @Souptime BUT IT WAS I @Melontime!! also @Souptime
  7. 1/10 haven't seen you at all although i did just return from a 3 month long hiatus so that's probably why i haven't seen you around
  8. all these new people that i don't know ever since the megathread got deleted how about @Spaceman.Spiff?
  9. i've also never seen you before 2/10 i've kinda been offline for months lol
  10. i have never seen you before 1/10
  11. banned for saying Canada is in America while Canada is in the continent of North America
  12. banned for banning someone cuz they lived in the cold
  13. RIP The Megathread

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Souptime


      why werent u there the latter half anyway?

    3. Misguided Kerbal

      Misguided Kerbal

      Souptime: Well you see, I kinda got bored of the Megathread cause it just started delving into random nonsense and not chit chat.

    4. Souptime



      thats probs why it shut down, people couldnt stop posting KSP related content

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