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  1. Hi, I installed JNSQ and it seems that the KSC is on an island somewhere on the equator, why might this be? I have Kerbal Konstructs if that helps at all. Edit: It was Kerbal Konstructs
  2. Hi, I was wondering if there is any mod that reduces/eliminates boiloff (ie boiloff on LH2 or fusion pellets), if there is could you link it?
  3. Hello, would anyone know how to use USI with EPL? I have heard they're compatible with eachother and that USI adds on to EPL.
  4. Hi, I hate to ask Beardy himself, so, would anyone know which mod he uses to construct The Clarke in his series "KSP Beyond Kerbol"?
  5. Has anyone else had the issue that the launchpad/runway won't allow craft over 18 tons when fully upgraded? (using GEP Primery)
  6. Do you have your scatterer up (in menu)? Also you might have to go a ways away from KSC.
  7. Hello, it seems the trees aren't loading on Rhode, any suggestions? My issue has been resolved.
  8. Hiya, does anyone know the coordinates for the base on Lua? I quite possibley need another mod.
  9. Hello, This is a bit vague but does anyone know where I could download the WildBlueIndustries mod ( I know there are many ) which has a Mk 1-3 Estonian Command Pod?
  10. So my Launch center and all that good stuff is impossible to click and it is also partially under the terrain, any fixes?
  11. Thank you for the help although I just had to re-install Extraplanetary-Launch-Pads via CKAN
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