I'm sorry, but first time poster, but I wasn't able to find this problem mentioned anywhere else.
Specifically, when using tweakscale to increase the scale of engines, when I recover(such as landing at the runway), the recovery price of the engines is lower than expected. Up to being outright negative.
Version is as downloaded/installed by CKAN.
I'm playing with Interstellar Extended, and thus don't actually land anything on the average day(I try to reuse and resupply in situ), but when I land my "fully reusable except for the fuel" SSO and I get -1k funds rather than the 100k+ that the engine cost...
Okay, testing, I can verify that this affects the LANTR(KSPIE specific), NERVA(KSPIE modified), and, to keep it simple to use in a fresh campaign, the Flea booster
Flea Solid Rocket booster, stock: 200(116 w/o fuel, 84 fuel), Staputnik: 300
2.5 meter Flea: 1,600 (928, 672 fuel), 2.5m Stayputnik: 38 fund.
Recovery: -472 booster, 672 fuel, 300 Stayputnik.
5 meter Flea: 12,800 (7,424, 5376 fuel)(4X larger, 64X cost), 5 meter Stayputnik: 13 fund
On Recovery: -5,176 for the booster, 5,376 for the solid fuel. 300 for the 5m probe core. Right from KSP's launch pad, 100% recovery.
Oh, figured out the formula:
Recovery Value is [original raw value w/supplies] - [adjusted fuel cost]. It needs to be switched from original to adjusted value w/supplies, if that makes sense.